My short story "Messianic Games" was accepted to  Arts & Letters (Georgia College & State University). Thanks so much to Editor Laura Newbern and Fiction Editor Chika Unigwe for accepting my story.

"Messianic Games" involves several of my favorite characters: A Cat Lady and a Kabbalist as well as Miri, a character I wrote about in White Zion and Passport Control. Yes, Miri has many versions, here she is a mother who has let her eye off of her daughter for a drop too long. I enjoy checking in with some of my characters from time to time. "Messianic Games" is due out for the fall issue 2023.

2023 is shaping up to be a good year for short story publication. My story "Roller Coaster" is coming out as part of a Chanukah anthology titled One for Each Night: The Greatest Chanukah Stories of All Time (New Vessel Press).

Meantime, I am delighted to be hosting the Jewish Book Carnival this August. Here is a link to the April carnival.Thanks to Deborah Kalb for hosting. 

Photo: Unsplash Andrey Metelev