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Hello Visitor,
Welcome to my June newsletter! 

Authors helping authors has come up a lot lately, so in that spirit, today I share a post by fellow Stormbird Press author Rick Hodges about how to write a press release and an interview with fellow Cervena Barva Press author Tara Lynn Masih. Plus, if you're in the Beit Shemesh area Sunday July 7, details about my author talk below and if you're in Ottawa the week of September 16, meet me there. 

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gila green newsletter blogNews editors are busy. Okay, let's not gloss over it: Some news editors are lazy. Either way, the easier you can make their job--by writing a great news release--the more likely they will use it.

As a writer with some journalism and public relations work under my belt, I've written a few news releases and used a few as well. The trick to getting news outlets to use yours is to write it the way a news writer would. Make it as easy as possible for news outlets to use parts of your release in a news story, or better yet, to just print verbatim.

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GG: What brought you to write your new novel My Real Name is Hanna? An inspiration? An experience?

TLM: I saw a documentary, No Place on Earth, about the Stermer family who lived in Ukraine during WW II. My whole family was riveted by the film and deeply affected by the story about a group of Jews who hid underground in dark, dank caves to avoid the Nazis. I couldn't let the story go, and by morning, Hanna's voice was in my head, narrating the opening of what would become the novel.

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Gila Green's upcoming events:

July 7, Beit Shemesh, Authors & Art

Where: 13 Hauman (Industrial Area) at Keramikli. Yes, this means you can paint on ceramics and enjoy an author talk. I'll be speaking about my new release White Zion and I'm honored to be joined by Miryam Sivan who will discuss her new novel Make it Concrete and Julie Zuckerman who will read from her debut, The Book of Jeremiah. Free and open to the public. 

September 16: Jewish Community Center, Ottawa. I will be speaking about White Zion, a journey from Aden, to Palestine, to modern Israel to modern Canada. I hope to expand the voices of Yemenite Jewry in Jewish literature with this novel in stories. 
September 19: Carleton University, Ottawa. I will be reading from No Entry, my young adult novel to be released October 2019 with Stormbird Press. This novel is about an Ottawa heroine who tackles a murderous poaching ring in South Africa's Kruger National Park because it's never been a more dangerous time to be an elephant. 


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Gila Green Books

White Zion
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No Entry

Passport Control
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King of the Class
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