By Gila Green on Thursday, 18 July 2024
Category: News and Events

Why We Should Keep Writing Even Through a Summer of Unrest

My summer blog post series continues.

Summer is often seen as a time of relaxation and renewal and I've been writing a lot about that in my summer writing series. But this summer, I'm adding a post to my summer series that is not an intuitive part of my subject. When the world around us is in turmoil, it can be challenging to find solace, let alone inspiration, in our writing. There's no denying that. Yet, continuing to write during such times is not just a testament to our resilience but also a powerful tool for processing emotions and making sense of the chaos. Here's why it's crucial to keep writing, even through a summer when the war doesn't seem to stop.

1. Writing as a Form of Resistance

In times of conflict, writing can serve as an act of defiance. It's a way to assert our humanity and voice our truths in the face of adversity. Stories, poems, and essays can become powerful weapons against oppression, shedding light on the realities of war and preserving the voices that might otherwise be silenced. By continuing to write, we refuse to let the chaos consume our creativity and our spirit.

2. Processing Emotions

War brings a torrent of emotions—fear, anger, sadness, and sometimes even guilt. Writing provides an outlet to process these complex feelings. It allows us to articulate our thoughts and experiences, making them more manageable. Through journaling, fiction, or poetry, we can explore our inner worlds, finding clarity and a sense of peace amid the turmoil.

3. Documenting History

Writers play a crucial role in documenting history. Our words capture the nuances of daily life during times of conflict, providing future generations with a deeper understanding of the human experience. By writing about the present, we contribute to the historical record, ensuring that the stories of those who lived through the war are not forgotten.

4. Building Community

Writing can also be a means of building community and fostering connections. Sharing our work with others who are experiencing similar struggles can create a sense of solidarity and support. Whether through online platforms, local writing groups, or collaborative projects, writing helps us connect with others, reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences.

5. Fostering Hope and Resilience

In the face of ongoing conflict, it's easy to succumb to despair. Writing allows us to envision possibilities beyond the present turmoil. It fosters hope and resilience, encouraging us to imagine and work towards a better future. By crafting stories of survival, bravery, and eventual peace, we can inspire ourselves and others to keep pushing forward, no matter how bleak the situation may seem.

6. Finding Purpose and Meaning

When the world seems to be falling apart, writing can provide a sense of purpose and meaning. It's a way to reclaim a bit of control and agency, focusing our energy on creation rather than destruction. Through our words, we can find a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, even when everything else feels uncertain.

Keep Writing, Keep Fighting

The act of writing during times of war is not just about creating art; it's about survival, resistance, and resilience. It's about making sense of the chaos and finding a way to endure. So, even as the conflict rages on this summer, let's keep writing. Let's continue to tell our stories, document our experiences, and connect with one another. In doing so, we not only preserve our sanity but also contribute to a larger narrative of hope, strength, and perseverance. עם ישראל חי 

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