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WATCH: YouTUBE Life on the Ledge

From my colleague Marc Kornblatt: I am proud of the piece, which brings together a number of key issues in my life: family, homelessness, aging, mortality, and persistence. Humor, too. I invite you to watch, comment, like, and share it, and hope you'll subscribe to my channel, too, if you haven't done so already.  Worth watching this solo...

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WATCH: Why I wrote No Entry for the Bad Mouth Reading Series


I had a great time participating in the author Bad Mouth Reading Series. Thanks so much for inviting me to participate.  In this video I talk about why I wrote a South African-based novel, why I wrote No Entry, why it's important to write about elephant extinction for the young adult market and, of course, I read from the enviro...

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WATCH: Book Chat and Reading with Hidden Timber


I had a lovely chat with small press publisher Christi Craig of Hidden Timber Books yesterday.  We talked a lot about the devastation of elephant poaching for all of us and why it was so important to me to get that message out there, how ironic it is that perhaps in today's Covid-19 world we can really understand how connected w...

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Watch: Start your week the right way


An inspiring video from the Jewish Journal 

WATCH: Elephant poaching might not be what you think


I'm continuing to post educational videos about my young adult novel No Entry, which takes place in South Africa's Kruger National Park. Thanks to SCBWI for the inspiration to offer resources to teachers, parents, teens, wildlife enthusiasts, elephant lovers and booklovers in lockdown as I am in Israel.  

Watch: How to make authors love you? Support small press

Authors will love you

 It's so easy to support small and indie presses by ordering online from them directly. Now, more than ever with the current situation regarding Corona virus, I encourage you to support small press. 

WATCH: Author reading at Israel Writer's Studio

Dara Barnat, Leah Scheier, Gila Green Author Reading: Israel Writer's Studio, Tel Aviv

 Thank you to Jennifer Lang for hosting me in Tel Aviv. I was honored to read Spider Places, a short story from my new novel in stories White Zion (Cervena Barva Press, 2019) and to present along with writers Leah Scheier (middle) and Dara Barnat (left). The biggest thank you to the warm audience. 

How to improve setting in story

How to improve setting in story How to improve setting in story

 In South Africa's Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, I discuss improving setting in your story. 

New resources for Jewish Women Writers

Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa Vlog Time: WATCH

How beautiful are these backgrounds? The cover photo is Cape Town's Table Mountain and this vlog was filmed at Chapman's Peak, overlooking Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.  

Symbolism & Setting

Cape Town's Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens Symbolism & Setting

Symbolism is one of the most underused techniques when it comes to story setting.  There's no better place to talk about setting than in Cape Town's beautiful Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden.

How do I know when my flash should be a short story?

Cape Town, Table Mountain

Today's question: How do I know when to extend my flash into a short story?  

WATCH: Interview with Bev Ehrlich today for her Wisdom Wednesday series

Bev Ehrlich interivews Gila Green Wisdom Wednesdays

Thank you so much to life coach Bev Ehrlich, originally of Cape Town, South Africa, now of Modiin, Israel for her interview today. I am thrilled to be part of her "make your dream come true" series on Youtube, which she has titled Wisdom Wednesdays.  

Watch: Can your story take place anytime?


​Jerusalem's Old City is the ideal place to vlog about setting

Three Quick Tips to Improve your Flash

Three Quick Tips to Improve your Flash

​Write great flash 

Should Writers Write Daily?

Work-photo Gila Green writing

What is the difference between an essay and nonfiction flash?


Today's question comes from Naomi in Beit Shemesh. Thanks for emailing me. Naomi asks, what is the difference between essay writing and writing a non-fiction flash piece?  

What if my nonfiction flash has some imaginative truth? Is it flash fiction?

What if my nonfiction flash has some imaginative truth? Is it flash fiction? Imaginative truth and non-fiction

Today's question is one of two questions from Naomi in Beit Shemesh. Thanks for writing. Please email me any additional questions and I'll try to answer them in a one-minute vlog. Naomi asks if her non-fiction piece has some imaginative truth, does that make her piece flash fiction? 

Can a Writing Partner Make you more productive?

​What do you need in a writing partner? 

Does your story need a Bad Guy?

Today's vlog answers the question: do I need a villain in my story? 

Writer's Block Advice

Advice for New Writers - Distraction

Why I Wrote Passport Control

Will We Meet Miriam Gil Again?

Why are Jewish Stories Important?

What am I Working on Now?