Do you have an article that would be of interest to other readers and writers? I’m happy to accept occasional articles and reviews. I am particularly interested in Jewish content, though I'm open to all guest posters who follow the guidelines below.
Please send me the following:
Links to two published articles from other blogs or your own site.
Your pitch: explain your idea in two sentences. Please edit your pitch for grammar and typos. If it is full of errors, sales pitches, or links, I'll delete it.
Articles should be around 1,200 – 1,500 words.
Content must be unique (i.e., unpublished elsewhere, including your own blog). Authors retain the copyright to their own posts. I cannot pay for posts.
You should include a bio of no more than 100 words with no more than two links.
Any pitches that promote writing or other services or that are written by third parties will be deleted.
If your pitch is accepted, please cut and paste your copy into an email and attach a JPEG photo.
Ready to pitch?
I look forward to hearing from you.