By Gila Green on Tuesday, 21 May 2024
Category: News and Events

Israeli women share stories

​A long time ago it seems now (yes, in the world before October 7), I answered a call for submissions at the German Embassy in Tel Aviv. I thought it sounded like an amazing project I'd like to take part in. The submission call was for essays from women all over Israel in a variety of languages. After all of the delays between Corona and then the current War, it had disappeared into the background. 

But here it is finally!

A book of essays-- each one translated into Hebrew, German and English-- giving the authors a platform to reach readers that were previously closed to them. 

What a wonderful gift for any writer. 

Thank you to the German Embassy in Tel Aviv for creating and following through on this artistic, creative project. I am honored to have an essay in this collection and look forward to participating in future projects. In addition, it was an opportunity to meet writers from diverse backgrounds all over the country. 

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