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Book Club Discussion Questions for No Entry

Book Club Guide for No Entry

1.What is the significance of the title No Entry? Would you have given the book a different title? If yes, what is your title?

2.Yael Amar finds herself in extraordinary circumstances in No Entry once she realizes the identity of the poachers. Do you empathize with her? Are any of her circumstances familiar to you?

3.How does telling the story from Yael's perspective influence your perception of events? Would Nadine or Sipho have told the story differently? How?

4.Did you agree with Yael when she chose to lie to David about what she saw on her off-trail drive?

5.What is the central theme of No Entry? Do you feel themes were adequately explored? Were they brought to life in a cliché or in a unique manner?

6.Did you learn anything about South Africa from reading No Entry?
Did you learn more about city-life or rural life? Did you learn about African culture?

7.Did you find parts of the book interesting even if you did not enjoy them? Can you find a book educational an interesting without enjoying it? For example, you may not have sympathized with Yael, but you did learn something about elephant poaching. Do you agree?

8.Did No Entry change your perception of elephant extinction? South Africa? Going on a safari? Did the book make you want to visit Kruger National Park?

9.What scene was the most pivotal for the book? How do you think the story would have changed had that scene not taken place?

10. What do you think will happen to Yael, Nadine, David and Sipho in the future? What would you like to see in the sequel?

11. What is motivating the actions of the sub-characters in the story? What do Yael's parents want from her and what does Yael want from them? What about Jake Woolf? Did he secretly want to replace David as Yael's boyfriend?

12. Did you think the ending was appropriate? How would you have liked to have seen the ending go?

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