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Coming up: Hidden Timber Author Readings

Hidden Timber BooksMeaningful Books and Stories

"In light of so many cancelled book tours as of late, Hidden Timber Books is hosting other small press authors via Zoom for readings. These events are FREE, all you need to do is register for the link to join" and I'm so thrilled to be part of this series. I'll be talking about my YA eco-novel No Entry. Here's a short description: Broken-hearted after losing her brother in a terrorist attack, 17-year-old Yael Amar seeks solace on an elephant conservation program in South Africa's Kruger National Park. Published by Stormbird Press.

Stormbird Press burned down in the Australian wildfires in December 2019 and was hit along with everyone else by corona virus just when they were thinking of making a partial comeback, so participating in this series is one simple way to support this nonprofit publisher dedicated to wildlife and please spread the word. Thanks so much to Christi Craig for organizing this and reaching out to authors, especially now. 

Here's the link to register for free.

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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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