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Flash Fiction in Jerusalem

 Focus on Flash Fiction

Half-Day Seminar Date Options:
​March 7 / 8 / 13 / 14 


To Register and for more Info: WriteSpace

Everyone has time to read flash fiction. That’s one of the reasons why it’s become such a popular genre.

What value is there to distilling whole stories into narratives under 1,000 words, down to even 6 words? We read fiction to build empathy, to explore new realities, to escape, Can you do that in so few words? Yes, you can.

Flash is ideal for our modern short attention spans (though there’s nothing really new about it). The 21st-century reader has made flash fiction "in-demand" fiction. It’s ideal for our screens: tablets, smartphones, netbooks, and laptops. Reading a whole story on a single screen is an aesthetic experience and, best of all, it’s an increasingly sought after genre offered by small presses. There’s even a National Flash Fiction Day on, you guessed it, the shortest day of the year (May 16 in the southern hemisphere). So don't miss out. Join the micro, sudden, short-shorts train that doubles as an ideal way to break into publishing.

Focus on Flash Fiction: Part I
Start Writing Flash Fiction

Come as you are, with a fifth version of a piece you’ve been working on since your high school graduation or as a writer who has never heard of flash until you saw this advertisement and rushed to sign up. Once we’ve defined flash fiction, we’ll take you all the way from idea to premise to micro flash, threading imagery all the way through, so that your flash stands out above the rest. Along the way, we’ll talk about how to make your piece meaningful to you and to the reader, so that you have the best chance of publication.

Focus on Flash Fiction: Part II
Revision, Editing and Submission

The real writing is in the revision, and many writers stumble on endings, especially in flash. You don’t want your piece to come off as an extended joke, an anecdote or a vignette, so we’ll discuss the endings that specifically work for this genre. We’ll learn about the "less is more" variety of editing and discuss how to pinpoint your submissions, why bother with contests, and the reasons why you should seek out anthologies and even radio to take your writing career up a level. 
To Register and for more WriteSpace

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