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REPOST: October Jewish Book Carnival

Thanks to Barbara Bietz for hosting this month's Jewish Book Carnival.

On gilagreenwrites, author Nancy Churnin talks children's book trends, the women in Charles Dickens' life, and Jewish symbols in her new work.

Shiloh Musings has reviewed Pamela Braun Cohen's memoir about her decades as an American activist to free Soviet Jewry in HIDDEN HEROES. Apparently, Pamela Cohen was a real hero.

In October, Jill at Rhapsody in Books reviewed People Love Dead Jews by Dara Horn. This excellent collection of her essays focuses on the nature of antisemitism and how it is reflected in literature and life. It is full of insight, humor, and of course, pathos.

Ann Kofsky shares her article about "the rocks that I illustrated during COVID" which was featured in JEWISH ACTION magazine.

Deborah Kalb interviews a wide variety of authors on her blog, Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb. Here's a recent interview she did with Howard Mortman about his book When Rabbis Bless Congress.

Each week, Erika Dreifus's My Machberet blog curates links from the world of Jewish books and writing. Here's one recent example.

A Jewish Grandmother reviews a children's book, CHELM for the HOLIDAYS, which she highly recommends. No doubt that Mary Poppins would agree that humor is the perfect way to teach children values.

Life Is Like a Library looks at two books about the history of pre-State Israel and visits some of the sites mentioned in the books.

The Book of Life Podcast brings you an interview with Gavriel Savit, author of THE WAY BACK, a strange and wonderful, life-affirming story about death, an adventure in which Bluma and Yehuda Lieb set out from the shtetl on a quest into the Far Country peopled by demons. It won the National Jewish Book Award in the young adult category and was named a Sydney Taylor YA Notable Book. It's a crossover book that will appeal to adults as well as YA readers.

The Sydney Taylor Shmooze is a mock award blog that brings you reviews of Jewish kidlit that is potentially eligible for the Association of Jewish Libraries' Sydney Taylor Book Award. Check out this month's reviews!

The Association of Jewish Libraries holds its annual Membership Gala on Sunday, October 17 at 10:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM Israel Time. Join AJL or renew membership at to enjoy L'Dor V'Dor with the Family Foer, a lively conversation with an incredible literary family, featuring Esther Safran Foer, Albert Foer, their sons Franklin, Jonathan, and Joshua, and their granddaughter Sadie. The talk will be followed by socializing and networking in breakout rooms – BYO drinks! See for details.

Thank you to all the participants! See you next month!

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