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You're invited to a zoom Lit Event: Between Two Worlds with Ayelet Tsabari and Gila Green

Join me on zoom in conversation with author Ayelet Tsabari.

Harif, the UK Association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa has graciously invited me to speak about my writing, my Yemenite roots, Israeli identity and connections to leaving Canada. I'm honored to be speaking with Ayelet, who I've actually had the pleasure of meeting in person before this pandemic. I'm a fan of Ayelet's work and I've included an excerpt from her book The Art of Leaving in my syllabus this year. 

When? Monday 18 January, 7:00 pm UK time/ 11 am PT/ 2:00 ET/ 8:00 pm Europe/ 9 pm Israel

Questions may be sent in advance to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The event will be livestreamed to Harif's FB page and recorded.

For security reasons no resgistration is required but participants identified by name i.e., not Ipad or Superman will be admitted and allowed to ask questions. 

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 3097 3831 Passcode: Yemen One tap mobile +442039017895,,89430973831#,,,,*778721# United Kingdom +441314601196,,89430973831#,,,,*778721# United Kingdom Dial by your location +44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 894 3097 3831 Passcode: 778721 Find your local number: 
Photo courtesy of Cody Engel Unsplash
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