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Luna Levi's favorite recipe for Sfinge (Moroccan doughnuts/donuts)

"With A Good Eye" heroine, Luna Levi does not hide her love of donuts. When she feels she's at rock bottom, she heads to the bakery for a fresh sugary treat (and maybe even meets the love of her life there). Still,  when Hanukah rolls around in the novel, it's Moroccan sfinge she most craves. Full disclosure: the photo is one I took in Timna Park outside of Eilat in January and not Morocco, but it's how I imagine Morocco may look. 

Back to Luna. Who can blame her for her love of all things sfinge? Here's Luna's recipe if next Hanukah, you wish to try out this traditional Moroccan Hanukah treat, in addition to your regular donut. If you begin now, you will have perfected sfinge by December. 

Luna Levi's recipe for Moroccan Sfinge (Luna doesn't actually have time to bake, but her best friend Aiden Betel has been nudging her to try this recipe and her soon-to-be-sister-in-law, Stephanie Baker has perfected it, though she doubles it, of course).


3 c all-purpose, regular white flour

2 tsp yeast

1 tsp salt

1 and 1/4 c warm water

oil (for frying)

sugar (for dusting)


Add all dry ingredients one at a time.

Slowly add water

Knead the dough (don't worry, it's meant to be sticky)

Cover the dough and place in the warmest spot in the kitchen (Use a large plastic baking bowl that comes with a cover/a damp heavy kitchen towel/a clean plastic bag)

Wait sixty minutes

Heat oil in a large frying pan

Wet  hands, form a donut shape with pieces of dough and fry each piece until light brown on both sides 

Remove from pan and roll in sugar while hot

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