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November Jewish Carnival

This month's Jewish carnival was kindly hosted by author Yael Shahar. I'm so pleased I took part. See my interview with author Jennifer Lang at the link below. There's more interviews for you to enjoy every month. Authors coming up in the next few months include: Miriam Drori, Daniel Sofer, Katherine Locke, Mel Rosenberg, Julie Gray, Nadia Jacobson, and Janice Weizman. There's something new all the time, so do check back. You can also feel free to suggest an author and I'll do my best to include your choice on my site. 

November Jewish Carnival

On her blog, Jewish Books for Kids, Barbara Bietz interviews Israeli author Shoham Smith about her picture book, Signs in the Well.

This month Gila Green is delighted to host author and editor Jennifer Lang on gilagreenwrites.

On her My Machberet blog, Erika Dreifus routinely compiles news of Jewish literary interest. Here's one recent post.

On her blog, Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, Deborah interviewed Sheryl Haft about her new picture book, Goodnight Bubbala: A Joyful Parody.

One of the Ten Commandments is "Honour thy father and thy mother." Batya Medad of "A Jewish Grandmother" reviews The Lost Kitchen, Miriam Green's story of how she and her father cope with her mother's Alzheimer's.

At Life Is Like a Library, Chava Pinchuck talks to Naomi Ragen about Naomi's latest book, An Unorthodox Match (St. Martin's Press, 2019)

At Jewish Renaissance, Dani Silver reviews Rabbi Steve Leder's book More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us .

On The Book of Life Podcast, Heidi Rabinowitz shares her interview with Anna Caplan, creator of Honeycake, the new Jewish magazine for 2-6 year olds. Order your copy by November 17, 2019 to get it in time for Hanukkah!

And what have I been up to here at the Memory & Redemption blog? In the course of writing my next book, Havruta with a One-Eyed Cat, I'm exploring a wide range of books that delve into the curious aspects of Jewish Law. Here are some musings on one of those books, Punishment & Freedom, by Deborah Steinmetz.

Visit the headquarters of the Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly event where bloggers who blog about Jewish books can meet, read and comment on each others' posts.

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Betrayal in White Zion, my historical novel-in-sto...
Is it a punch in the mouth or Betrayal?


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