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Thank you Voiceless: the animal protection institute

No Entry received a great recommendation and review from Australia's Voiceless: The animal protection Institute.

It's an honor to be mentioned by such a relevant and crucial organization working tirelessly to save the planet. 

No Entry by Gila Green 

We adored the novel's setting as we're transported into a remote wildlife rescue centre in South Africa. The reader is taken on a journey with a teenage girl named Yael as she discovers an illegal poaching ring and must overcome many challenges to find her voice and summon the strength to act. "There are so many simple things you can do to educate yourself about animals and animal cruelty. The number one urgency, I would say, is to stop the ivory trade. Lawmakers must be pressured by their constituents to pass stronger laws against ivory sales. Start petitions, write to your local lawmakers, find out what laws exist and how they can be changed." Gila Green.

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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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