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Welcome to the January Jewish Book Carnival

I'm happy to host the first Jewish Book Carnival of 2020. The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly event where those who cover Jewish books online "can meet, read, and comment on each others' posts." Organized by the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Carnival travels around and is hosted on a different participant's site on the 15th of each month.


Hanukkah may be over, but Yiddish should be celebrated year-round! Enjoy the world premiere of the audiobook version of HANUKKAH WITH NOSHY BOY AND FRIENDS on The Book of Life Podcast! Hear famous actor Ed Asner as Zayde, and enjoy an interview with author Anne-Marie Asner!

Can't get enough Yiddish? Here are THREE more Yiddish-related kids' books for you: YIDDISH SAVES THE DAY/Debbie Levy, THE BOOK RESCUER/Sue Macy, and CHELM FOR THE HOLIDAYS/Valerie Estelle Frankel. Enjoy!

Life Is Like a Library visited several sites during the Open House Jerusalem weekend, including Tabor House and the Rockefeller Library:

Here on gilagreenwrites, I had the pleasure of interviewing the always entertaining, author Dan Sofer. 

                                                                                     Over on the My Machberet blog, Erika Dreifus shares her "year in Jewish books," with notes on relevant reading                                                                                           from  2019.

On her blog, Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, Deborah interviewed Heather Dune Macadam about her new book, 999: The Extraordinary Young Women of the First Official Jewish Transport to Auschwitz.

PALESTINE POSTS By Daniel S. Chertoff is an amazing book. Chertoff found a collection of his father's correspondence written between 1947-1949 when Mordecai S. Chertoff (his father) was here witnessing the end of the British Mandate and the beginning of the State of Israel. Read about it on Batya's Shiloh Musings.

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Four more days
December: Jewish Book Carnival


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