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What do participants in my classes have to say?

I’ve taken a lot of writing courses through different groups, and by far yours have all been the most beneficial. I loved this Flash course. The most important lesson I learned is just how incredibly difficult it is to write good flash fiction. I learned about many new tools that I can use in future writings. ~ Kathryn Schleich

Here's what I loved about Gila's class:

  • I felt safe (of paramount importance as a writer and as me)
  • I felt my questions and contributions were valued
  • I received no-nonsense feedback and advice from you
  • The assignments were well presented and well prepared
  • The information within each assignment was incredibly useful and not overwhelming
Here's what I loved about Gila as an instructor:

  • You always took the time to answer my questions, even the ones that were more personally oriented
  • You are direct and have realistic expectations of students
  • You are encouraging and supportive
  • You know your stuff
My personal thanks to you for bearing with me as I begin my writing journey. As an instructor, mentor, and writing ally you have far exceeded my expectations. WOW! is very lucky to have you on their instructor roster. ~ Elana Baxter

Gila’s fiction writing class gave me more confidence as a writer. I’ve taken several online fiction classes with well-known online entities and with those that are lesser known. Compared to more well-known or expensive online writing classes that require you to use more non-user friendly sites to post your work this is the one with which I was and still am most impressed. Gila’s teaching method is very concise and could only derive from years of experience. Her lectures and the accompanying exercises challenged me to write my story and the characters in a way that helped to add more layers and to make them more believable. Gila’s feedback was very in-depth. She was always available for questions and comments. She strongly encouraged that we take advantage of peer critiques. I’d done peer critiques in other classes, but I felt that with Gila I was given more tools to workshop others’ writings. I learned how to look for strategies that work better than others. To me, Gila’s fiction writing class was more multifaceted than others and was more like a brick and mortar university course. With the tools that I learned from Gila I felt that I had better direction and I learned how to look at my writing more critically. In Gila’s class I was able to take my short story to the next level. ~ Conswalia Marie Green
I have taken many courses in writers’ centers before and never got ANYTHING out of them. The main thing I got was formulaic responses that hindered my writing rather than deepening my approach. I loved Gila’s course so much I am reregistering. ~ Janet Lowenbach

I advocate writing mentors; how else can a writer grow? When I was looking for excellent guidance on a new genre, I turned to Gila Green; it was a good decision, one that I recommend to a writer who is serious about her craft ~ Leah Kotkes

I’ve learned more in your writing class than I have with any other instructor, and I’ve taken quite a few. ~ Kathryn Beer

I am really enjoying your tips and advice. I really loved your idea about how to get into a story, with “What is a noun?” So simple, but so good. ~ Rachel Gurevich

I really enjoyed the feedback and communication in this class. ~ Dana Shoemaker

It was a really worthwhile class. I especially liked learning from the short stories. ~ Susan Remson

I feel much more confident now about my writing. ~ Amanda Searcy

In Gila's workshops you learn three important things about writing:
- how to look deeply into your heart
- how to read many other works critically
- how to apply newfound skills to your own work
For all those reasons, Gila's writing workshops are a writer's path to creative exploration that you shouldn't miss. ~ Ilene Bloch-Levy

I am so SO Happy that I was able to come to your class, thank you for your teachings and your willingness to share your knowledge. I want to thank you for providing your wisdom.  ~ Savannah Sav
When I began this class I was not sure what writing devices were, but with Gila’s guidance I am now clear about their definitions and how to use them in my writing. She had a very straightforward way of explaining this by giving examples in our own work, and pinpointing a subject for clarity. She was very encouraging and her critiques were always thoughtful and constructive.
Her guidance on my personal work has also been helpful. Again, she had a way of instructing by example that made the whole revising process so much more effective. Her suggestions were always spot-on and it was obvious that she took the time to read each piece submitted. She pushed me to dig deeper and work harder and I believe it shows in my writing.
If I am ever fortunate enough to make it in this business, I will definitely name Gila as one of the reasons for my success. ~ Barbara Florenza

"I placed 3rd in the WOW Spring 2013 Flash Fiction contest! I was so amazed and thrilled. 'Mercy' is the story I submitted in our Flash class. Your class was a great experience for me. Did I tell you that [classmate] and I are still sharing stories? We met in your class and now we are writing buddies on line." ~ Clare Ostrander
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