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Why Summertime is the Best Time to Build New Habits (Including Writing) in Israel

My summer blog post series continues. I reference Israel because that's the location I know best, but you can apply this post to summer almost anywhere. I include my own Israel sky and event photos. 

1. Longer, Hotter Days Mean More Time: In Israel, the summer days are not only longer but also particularly hot, giving you more daylight hours to engage in activities that can help establish new habits. Whether it's waking up early to exercise before the heat sets in (where I live, that's a 6 am walk), reading in the cooler evening hours, or picking up a new hobby, the extended daylight provides the perfect backdrop for personal growth. This extra time can also be dedicated to writing, whether it's in the early morning or the evening, when the sun is still out but the temperature is more bearable.

2. A Break from Routine: For many, summer brings a break from the usual routine. School vacations, summer holidays, and a generally more relaxed atmosphere provide a unique opportunity to break old habits and introduce new ones. This change in pace can make it easier to implement and stick to new behaviors. With fewer obligations, you might find it easier to carve out time for writing and establish a regular writing routine.

3. Warmer Weather Promotes Outdoor Activities: The pleasant, albeit hot, weather encourages outdoor activities, which are often linked to healthier lifestyle choices. While enjoying the outdoors, you can also find inspiration for your writing. Nature walks, beach trips, or simply sitting in a park can provide new ideas and a refreshing environment to write. The warmth of summer can be a muse for creative writing projects.

4. Fresh Seasonal Produce: Summer in Israel is synonymous with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Incorporating these into your diet is not only enjoyable but also a great way to establish healthy eating habits. The variety and availability of seasonal produce make it simpler to experiment with new recipes and adopt a healthier diet. A healthy body often leads to a healthy mind, which can improve your focus and creativity in writing.

5. Social Opportunities: The social nature of summer can be a powerful motivator. From family gatherings to community events, the increased social interaction can support habit formation. Engaging in group activities, joining a summer class, or participating in community events can provide accountability and encouragement. Writers' groups or workshops that pop up during summer can offer support and motivation to keep writing.

6. A Time for Reflection: The slower pace of summer allows for more time to reflect on personal goals and aspirations. Use this period to evaluate your current habits and identify areas for improvement. Setting clear, achievable goals during this reflective time can pave the way for successful habit formation. Reflecting on your writing goals and aspirations can help you develop a sustainable writing habit.

7. Travel and New Experiences: Summer often brings travel and new experiences, which can inspire personal growth. Exposure to different cultures, ideas, and activities can motivate you to adopt new habits. Whether it's practicing a new language, trying a new sport, or learning a new skill, these experiences can spark lasting changes. Travel can also provide fresh material and unique perspectives for your writing, making it a great time to journal or start new writing projects.

8. Positive Vibes: The general positivity and energy of summer can make it easier to stay motivated and committed to new habits. The feel-good factor associated with sunny days and warm weather can enhance your overall well-being, making it easier to maintain a positive outlook and stay on track with your goals. This positive energy can be channeled into your writing, helping you to maintain enthusiasm and creativity.

Summertime in Israel provides a unique blend of opportunities that make it an ideal season for building new habits, including writing. The combination of longer, hotter days, a break from routine, warm weather, fresh produce, social opportunities, time for reflection, travel experiences, and positive vibes creates the perfect environment for personal growth and lasting change. Embrace the season and use it as a springboard to develop habits, particularly the habit of writing, that will benefit you year-round.

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