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New novel excerpt accepted! Link is up

This time with the link:

I would be happy to hear any comments you may wish to offer. 

I have not submitted my work for a year (long for me, a once upon a time submission-addict). But after a couple of hard losses (yes, we've all had them) I realized I was-- 

A. Burnt out and 

B. Took strength from the shmitah year here in Israel and, as I explained to the others in my writing group at the time, I realized that after writing 8 novels, I needed a year off from writing and submitting. I had to give myself permission to do this, which wasn't easy.  

Last week, for a reason I cannot explain, I decided shmitah was over and I sent out an excerpt from one of my ignored, still on my computer novels to a couple of small presses. I have always loved small preses but that's another post. And this evening, I opened my email to find an acceptance! An excerpt from my new novel The Inheritance was accepted by Malarkey Books. I was attracted to this publisher by some of the titles on sale on the site. 

This novel is my second domestic noir novel. Will post the link this week. Thank you Monica Wang for accepting it.

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

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