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REPOST: Journals Seeking Short Fiction

This is a repost from one of my favorite Canadian writers: Brian Henry.

EveryDay Fiction seeks flash fiction, 1,000 words max – no such thing as too short. Pays $3 U.S.

For December issue, wants stories on holiday themes, including: are looking for winter and holiday stories for December 2022 issue, including: Winter Solstice / Midwinter / Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, New Year's Eve, anything winter or snow related, or summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Deadline: November 26, 2022.

For January issue, stories relating to New Year's Day, Epiphany / Three Kings' Day, Martin Luther King Day, anything winter or snow related, or tropical getaways / escape from winter weather. Deadline December 27, 2022.

More holidays for the February issue, deadline January 27, 2023.

Full submission guidelines here.

We are now accepting entries for our 13th annual Poetry Open with a first prize of $1,000 plus five additional cash awards. The entry fee is $9 for three poems. Deadline: January 3, 2023.

We welcome all styles of poetry on any topic, so don't be afraid to send us your most creative poems, rhyming or non-rhyming. We'd love to read your work! All entries are also considered for publication in future issues.

Read the second prize poem from our 2021 Poetry Open, "Eyes (circa 1990)" by Beatrice Kujichagulia Greene here.

Flash Fiction Prize results are expected to be announced around late October.

General submissions remain open year-round. We do not charge a fee for general submissions, and we have no rules.

David Bright
Gemini Magazine

The Ravens Perch is an independent literary magazine published bi-monthly. Their mission is to promote emerging voices, support established writers, unite writers across generations, and help launch careers of unknown writers.

The Raven's Perch publishes poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art from writers of all ages. The Ravens Perch is not afraid of experimentation. They love voices with a keen attention to crafting imagery and language. They want to be surprised by truths told in fresh ways. They publish writers who are daring enough to break our hearts with delight and force us to want more. Note: They charge a $5 submission fee.

Full guidelines here.

Geist is a magazine of ideas and culture made in Vancouver with a strong literary focus and a sense of humour. "The Geist tone is intelligent, plain-talking, inclusive and offbeat." Each issue represents a convergence of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, art, reviews, little-known facts of interest, cartography, and a crossword puzzle. All submissions must have a Canadian connection.

Geistis always seeking short (800-1200 words) nonfiction, typically personal narrative, for the Notes & Dispatches section.

Longer nonfiction pieces (up to 5000 words) are published as Features. Pays up to $1,200.

Fiction: Short stories (up to 5000 words). Publishes one story per issue, so please send only your best work. Pays up to $1000.

Poetry: Send a maximum of 5 poems. Pays $100 per page

Photography/Artto accompany written work in the magazine. Also publishes art and photo essays with text by the artist. Pays $50–$120 per page.

Comics: Seeks comics that are weird, funny, unexpected or experimental. Pays $100 per page.

These categories are flexible. Geist likes work that crosses genres or that surprises them in other ways.

Open for submissions year-round. Full submission guidelines here.

Photo: Unsplash Volodymyr Hryshchenko

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