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WATCH: YouTube Diversity in YA Fiction (all genres)


I had a great time on Friday moderating a panel livestreamed from the UK's YA Thriller Conference. The topic was Diversity in YA Fiction. Shout-out to author Madeline Dyer for putting it all together and to my YA colleagues, authors: Fran Dorricott (UK), Nia Davenport (USA), and Isvari Mohan (USA).  What did we discuss? -What is 'diversity'? W...

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Need a Book Review? Want to read free books?


A common complaint of writers is a lack of reviews. But help is out there. If you're an author looking for a book review, I recommend a program created by author Sandra Lopez.  On the flip-side, who ever has enough books to read? For book lovers, who cannot seem to get enough, read on to find out how you can read books at no cost and...

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Elephants are also Covid-19 victims & three things I learned from writing my first sequel No Fly Zone


 When I wrote my YA eco-fiction novel No Entry, I had one goal in mind: to highlight the dangers of elephant poaching and extinction for a young adult audience. I also wanted to connect the people who commit these heinous acts toward elephants with other international crimes: human trafficking, the illegal weapons trade and so on. I ...

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Check out my lineup of visiting authors on gilagreenwrites


There are so many talented authors on the way including children's authors, poets, fiction and nonfiction creatives. Don't miss an author interview or blog post. Meryl Ain, author of the Takeaway Men, SparkPress.   Rajani LaRocca, author of the forthcoming novels Red, White, and Whole (Quill Tree/HarperCollins, 2021) and Much Ado Abo...

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Registration is open for my August AutoFiction Class


AUTOFICTION WORKSHOP: Exploring Hybrid Writing  START DATE: Sunday, August 16, 2020 END DATE: Sunday,  September 13, 2020 DURATION: 6 weeks LOCATION: Zoom and email for assignments FEEDBACK: Instructor feedback and critique COURSE DESCRIPTION: What is autofiction? It's not memoir, fiction or personal essay, but might have elements of...

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YA Thriller Con July 10-11 2020


 I'm so excited to be part of this YA Thriller conference next week with 24 other YA writers from all over the world.  All video events will be broadcast live to YouTube.  From the newly launched site:  "About YA Thriller ConYA Thriller Con Online is a two-day event, running from July 10th to July 11th 2020, to celebrate and tal...

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REPOST: Can a pandemic ruin your publishing contract?


by Jodé Millman I try to keep up on publishing contract news even though I've reviewed eight contracts at length (no, I didn't sign them all and you probably shouldn't either). But all of my reviewing happened before Covid-19. It's important that writers focus on the business end of writing, not just on craft. Originally in this month's column, I h...

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Doikayt: A Jewish TTRPG Anthology (Preorder)


I want to tell you about this new Jewish tabletop roleplaying  (TTRPG) anthology that I was recently honored to join. My essay is part of the forward and was written to expand the work to include more Sephardi (in my case, Yemenite) voices. I was able to draw on both my Ashkenazi and Yemenite experience and I'm delighted to integrate my w...

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Book Club Discussion Questions for King of the Class


Why do you think this book is set in the future? What was the author trying to achieve by doing so? Do you think there are good and bad characters in this book? If so, is Eve good or bad? What about her husband Manny? Do you think Eve has a good relationship with her sister? What was your opinion of their relationship once Eve's son is kidnapped? S...

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Book Club Discussion Questions for Passport Control


Book Club Discussion Questions for Passport Control  1. Why do you think the title of this book is Passport Control? Would you have chosen a different title? One publisher suggested the title of No Way Home. Do you think that title is preferable? 2. Would you say Passport Control is historical fiction? A coming of age story? An adventure story...

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Book Club Discussion Questions for White Zion


Book Club Discussion Questions for White Zion 1. Why do you think the author chose the title White Zion? What does it signify to you? Would you have chosen a different title? 2. Who is the hero/heroine of this novel-in-stories? What makes a hero or heroine? 3. Do you think the author chose the right format for this work? In other words, do you thin...

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Book Club Discussion Questions for No Entry


Book Club Guide for No Entry 1.What is the significance of the title No Entry? Would you have given the book a different title? If yes, what is your title? 2.Yael Amar finds herself in extraordinary circumstances in No Entry once she realizes the identity of the poachers. Do you empathize with her? Are any of her circumstances familiar to you? 3.Ho...

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Please join me in celebration of 15 years of Cervena Barva Press


 I'm honored to take part in a birthday! Happy 15th birthday to Cervena Barva Press. To celebrate I'll be reading from my novel-in-stories White Zion and I won't be alone. My friend and colleague, poet and playwright Atar Hadari will be joining me from the UK. He'll be reading from his translation of Hanoch Levin's work. A treat! When? July 5&...

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Repost from Quill & Quire: Indigo closes 20 Coles small-format stores amid “seismic” losses


Authors will have to be very creative in future about book sales.  By: Sue Carter June 22nd, 2020  Just days before Indigo Books & Music releases its fourth-quarter financial results, CEO Heather Reisman told Bloomberg News in an interview that "the depths of the losses we are looking at are literally as seismic as this COVID event is...

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WATCH: Authors Madeline Dyer and Gila Green in Conversation: the Importance of Global Issues in YA Lit


Registration is open for my Prepare to Publish Zoom course


 Email me for details!

Welcome to the June Jewish Book Carnival

Jewish Book Carnival

 I'm so pleased to host this month's Jewish Book Carnival. I find this graphic of Jewish book covers an ideal visual to accompany this must-review list of Jewish author interviews and news. Thank you Jewish Book World for putting it together! The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly event where bloggers who blog about Jew...

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REPOST: No pubs, no kissing, no flying: how Covid-19 is forcing authors to change their novels


 Fascinating article by Alison Flood of the Guardian. I've been wondering about the future of literature in light of Covid-19. There's a number of answers and approaches here, everything from stick to 2018 to jump to the future, but should you write one with or without a vaccine? This article explores various answers we are all struggling with...

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Registration is on! Prepare to Publish


 Prepare to Publish: the business of publication, a hands-on workshop for writers with complete or near-complete manuscripts ready for publication. Monday & Wednesday options starts last week of June Many authors invest all of their energy into their works and are so pre-occupied with writing and editing that by the time it comes to p...

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You're Invited: Two New Exciting New Zoom Classes


AUTOFICTION WORKSHOP: Exploring Hybrid Writing by Gila Green START DATE: Sunday, July 5, 2020 END DATE: Sunday, August 16, 2020 DURATION: 6 weeks LOCATION: Zoom and email for assignments FEEDBACK: Instructor feedback and critique COURSE DESCRIPTION: What is autofiction? It's not memoir, fiction or personal essay, but might weave elements of tw...

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Thanks Jewish Book World


I'm thrilled my young adult environmental novel No Entry was included in the 68 books posted on in April 2020.  

More author interviews coming up


I have some great authors on the way to visit gilagreenwrites. Check back for interviews with more talented creatives including: Rajani LaRocca, popular children's author of award-winning books, memoirist Alia Volz, poet Susie Berg, debut author Shana Riter, YA author Liza Wiemer, and many more. I try to bring you a variety of author...

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Publicity time: FREE Radio opportunity for authors


Fellow Authors: I was interviewed last night on Chat and Spin Radio via Skype and it was fun. These are short audio interviews (the Skype is just for you to see them, the audience cannot see you, so sorry, no full pajamas, but you can do pajama bottoms.) Chat and Spin are a nonprofit and they tell me their station has ...

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Thank you Voiceless: the animal protection institute


No Entry received a great recommendation and review from Australia's Voiceless: The animal protection Institute. It's an honor to be mentioned by such a relevant and crucial organization working tirelessly to save the planet.  No Entry by Gila Green  We adored the novel's setting as we're transported into a remote wildlife rescue centre i...

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Listen & a Chance to Win


 I'll be chatting about my novels in two hours (10 pm. Israel time) on Like their Facebook Page at where you can win a £20 shopping voucher

Small Press Author Reading Series: Join me May 17, 2020


 Join me on on May 17, 2020! Register for FREE for the small press author reading series. "In light of so many cancelled book tours as of late, Hidden Timber Books is hosting other small press authors via Zoom for readings. These events are FREE, all you need to do is register for the link to join. Attend one, attend them all, and spread the w...

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I'm in Ravishly


 Thank you so much to Erin Khar for featuring my young adult, environmental novel No Entry in the latest issue of Ravishly.

Repost: The Book of Life


For the last month, Heidi Rabinowitz's The Book of Podcast has had a special series called "Books in the Time of Coronavirus." Authors whose spring 2020 promotional events were cancelled were able to tell the world about their new Jewish books. I wish to thank Heidi once again for including No Entry and to repost her entire series here. E...

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Repost: Canadian Writers Abroad: Where are they now?


Reposting from Canadian Writers Abroad by Debra Martens  Back in March when Canadian travellers were urged to come home, I thought of the small community of Canadian writers living abroad. Would they stay or go? As Antony Millen in New Zealand puts it, "It was a very eerie feeling to hear Justin call Canadians home with such urgency. I admit, ...

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I voted in the Crystal Kite awards


 Don't forget to vote for your favorite in the Crystal Kite Awards! These are so many wonderful works to choose from.  "The annual Crystal Kite Award is a peer-given award to recognize great books from 15 SCBWI regional divisions around the world." If you're eligible to vote, don't forget to do so, especially at this time when so man...

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