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REPOST from the Hot Sheet: New Publishers, Agents, and Other Ventures in 2020 December 23, 2020


Looking for a roundup of what's in store for 2021 in these categories? New traditional publishing imprints (Big Five) Beyond the Big FiveChildren's and YAComics and graphic novelsNew publishersNew literary agencies and agentsNew agenciesNew agentsDigital media ventures If the answer is yes, this is the article worth reading and filing for refe...

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Guest post: Author Lesléa Newman


 The Poetic Justice of Grief "You're already writing about your mother?" "It took me years to be able to write about my father." "Don't you need time to grieve?" "Wasn't it incredibly difficult to write about your parents so soon after they died?" These are the kinds of comments I received from people who couldn't believe I picked up my pen im...

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Guest Post: Angels on Friday Night


Please welcome author Dr. Suzie Lowinger to gilagreenwrites. I'm delighted to have a former class participant as part of my site and I'm always happy to promote more English-speaking writers in Israel. Suzie shares her insights into character and character development and how our own creations can not only surprise us, but have something to teach u...

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The Many Faces of Auto*Fiction by Gila Green

christopher-ott-ARiOAuzRBXY-unsplash The two faces of autofiction

Since July 2020, I've been teaching autofiction online (and now on zoom) and I've already received enough feedback to share with you not only my number one question, but the number one stumbling block at the beginning of each class. So at the risk of sounding redundant (yes, I answered this question back in June, but that was pre-teaching...

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REPOST: Hanukkah Lights: Stories of the Season


I'm thrilled to repost NPR's Hanukkah Lights Stories of the Season for your perusal and enjoyment.   From their website: "Hanukkah is a time to share light, miracles and faith. It's been a difficult year and these stories will reflect that. They're darker than usual. But we hope the miracle of Hanukkah casts its light through these storie...

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December Jewish Book Carnival


It is my pleasure to repost this month's Jewish Book Carnival from The Rachack Review and I'm so happy to have spent time with author Leah Kirshenberg who is a children's author, an educator, as well as an author of several educational books about language acquisition.    The Rachack Review is proud to serve as the December 2020 host...

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Listen: My Hanukkah podcast with NovelClass's Dave Pezza


 I'm delighted to share my Hanukkah podcast with you. It was, as usual, an honor to chat with Dave Pezza from NovelClass. We shmooze about the holidays, my Hanukkah-themed very short story "Roller Coaster"  from my White Zion novel-in-stories (Cervena Barva Press, 2019). We get into parenting teenagers, what Hanuk...

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Watch: Corona Hanukkah Youtube from my colleague Marc Kornblatt


LISTEN: "Bad guys in General": eco-fiction No Entry on New Books Network


I am delighted to share with you my recent podcast with Galit Gottlieb on the New Books Network. Galit is the Chicago-based author of the Whipped and Sipped Mystery series and a host for New Books in Literature, a podcast of the New Books Network.  I'm so thankful for the opportunity to discuss my work with such a wonderful reader and lis...

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Coming up: A conversation with author Ayelet Tsabari


I am so pleased to have been invited by Harif  to speak with talented author Ayelet Tsabari, (The Art of Leaving). I am a fan of Ayelet's work and honored to be in conversation with her to kick off 2021. Our talk will be moderated by author Lyn Julius, co-founder of Harif, the UK Association of Jews from the Middle East and Nort...

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Only five weeks away: My new Autofiction Workshop for anyone with a Sephardi/Mizrachi Story to Tell

Register here. 

Hanukkah Podcast with NovelClass


I'm so excited to be part of the first Hannukkah Podcast with NovelClass's Dave Pezza. Join us on Tuesday December 8. Time TBA.   We will be discussing short Hannukkah Jewish Fiction including my own Flash piece "Roller Coaster" published in Jewish Fiction. This is the third time I'll be podcasting with Dave and I'm so thrilled to be join...

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Join me 27 January, 2021


 I'm so excited to be part of New Works Wednesdays. Join me 27 January 2021 to discuss White Zion.  Register here. I'm happy to answer any questions in advance. Thank you to the Institute of Jewish Experience for the invitation. 

Join me December 2 on the New Books Network


Thank you G.P. Gottlieb of the New Books Network for inviting me to join your podcast on December 2 at noon (CST) or 8 p.m. Israel time. We'll be discussing my young adult, environmental novel No Entry that takes place in South Africa's Kruger National Park and my novel-in-stories White Zion that spans Yemen, Israel, and Canada. I'll...

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WATCH: Invitation to join my Jan 5 autofiction workshop for Sephardi/Mizrachi stories

Let's expand the canon of Jewish literature together. There are so many untold Jewish stories. Don't let yours be one of them. Join me January 5 at noon (EST) for a five-part autofiction workshop for women and men at all writing levels with a Sephardi/Mizrachi background or a Sephardi/Mizrachi story to tell.  Space is ...

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Join me January 27 for my talk as part of the “New Works” Series


I'm delighted to be part of the American Sephardi Federation (ASF) Institute of Jewish Experience's "New Work Series."   I'll be talking about the origins of my novel-in-stories White Zion (Cervena Barva, 2019).  DATE: January 27,2021 TIME: NOON (EST) I'll post the link when it's available.  From the (ASF) Institute of Jewish Ex...

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No Entry Review and Pumpkin Pancakes

ralph-ravi-kayden-g0TlENIcRPs-unsplash Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

Thank you to Susan Weintrob, the creator of the "expand the table" website, for her recent review of my young adult eco-novel No Entry (Stormbird Press, 2019). On her food and literature site, Susan pairs her review of my novel with a delicious recipe for a popular South African breakfast: pumpkin pancakes.  From her site:  "Pumpkin ...

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Coming up on gilagreenwrites


Don't miss new posts by these talented authors and creatives coming up in December, February, March and April: Karen Schauber, Melanie Conroy-Goldman, Leslea Newman, Sharon Kirsch, and Ann Lambert.  Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

November Jewish Book Carnival

ben-ostrower-7N0y_3Xzlx4-unsplash November Jewish Carnival

Welcome to the November Jewish Book Carnival! We're a month away from our next Jewish Festival of Lights (yes, I'm already waiting for Hanukkah), but we still have this month's Jewish Book Carnival to look forward to and to help us spread more inspiration and brightness. This month is packed with something for everyone from new poetry at Life ...

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New Autofiction Workshop with a Middle Eastern Twist

Sign-up is open! Start 2021 with the story you've always wanted to tell.  Tell Your Sephardi-Mizrahi Story Have you always wanted to write your life story? My new Middle Eastern-flavored Autofiction Workshop explores a writing form that pushes beyond memoir and borrows fiction techniques. Inventing your own dialogue and creating deta...

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Guest Post: KNOW YOUR WHYS by Liza Wiemer


I'm so thrilled to have author Liza Wiemer visit at gilagreenwrites. With all of the difficulties of the current pandemic, it has given me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful writers from all over the world as more people reach out than ever before. Today Liza shares a valuable tip for writers at any stage of manuscript develop...

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October Jewish Carnival is Out


Thank you to The Sami Rohr Prize Guest Forum for hosting the October Jewish Book Carnival! The Sami Rohr Prize Guest Forum is delighted to host the October 2020 Jewish Book Carnival. This monthly event, organized by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL), allows those of us who cover the world of Jewish books online to "meet, read, and comment o...

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Guest Post: The Art of Imitation


by Susie Berg It is both a blessing and a curse of being a writer that most of us are also readers. The blessing is pretty clear: books! Covid lockdown? Bring on the "to be read" pile. Put every book I ever wanted to read on hold as an e-book at the library. Buy books to support independent booksellers and authors whose voices shout with both anger...

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If you're interested in AutoFiction, read this


As I've shared with you before, this summer I taught my first zoom autofiction course. This meant I spent a couple of months perusing everything I could find about autofiction and I'm sure I barely scratched the surface. I loved the course and it was so much fun for all of us, several participants requested a part two.  As such, I'm still look...

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Author Interview: Rajani LaRocca


Back in March 2020, I had the privilege of participating in an SCBWI webinar with amazing authors Rajani LaRocca and Erica S. Perl.   Naturally, I could not let such an opportunity go to waste and immediately invited both Erica and Rajani to gilagreenwrites. Both readily agreed and generously shared their time, but Rajani h...

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Finished my seventh novel titled A Good Eye on Everything


In 2013, I published a short story titled Mother, Daughter, Mercenary in an international crime fiction magazine titled Noir Nation.  I always wanted to go back to that story and I expanded on it in another short story titled Cutty Sark, published in 2018 in Writer's Bone in their December issue. Though at first glance these two...

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5 Qs Authors Don’t Ask but Should When an Agent Offers Rep by Kristin Nelson


 In the last two weeks, we at NLA have offered representation to seven authors, most of whom received multiple offers. All agents are aggressively seeking new talent right now! It's awesome to talk to savvy authors who have a list of good questions prepared for their initial conversations with prospective agents, questions like:

REPOST: It’s Time to Radically Rethink Online Book Events


I loved this July 28th article by Kate Reed Petty on Electric Literature and I agree, it's time to rethink how authors interact with readers online.  Before the stay-at-home orders came down in Baltimore, the last thing I did in person was participate in a panel conversation about—ironically—"art and the apocalypse." In retrospect, we should h...

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Please welcome author Meryl Ain to gilagreenwrites. Today Meryl discusses the title of her new novel and the layers of meaning she continues to discover behind it.  By Meryl Ain One of the most frequently recurring questions I'm asked about my debut novel is: "What is the meaning of the title, The Takeaway Men, and why did you choose it?" No, ...

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Guest Post: Who we Are


I'm delighted today to share with you a guest blog post from Montreal paranormal author Philip Mann who discusses what we choose to write about and Jewish genre fiction. Welcome Philip Mann to gilagreenwrites! One of the main features writers have in common is fear. Fear of expressing ourselves in public, fear of not doing it right, and especi...

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Latest Books

The Inheritance

The Inheritance

This suspense/thriller asks, if you were to walk away from your family, would you ever go back, even if you received a desperate text message?

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Pre-Order from Amazon/Kindle for release: March 11, 2025

With a Good Eye

With a Good Eye

This family drama is part crime fiction and part domestic noir. With A Good Eye will make you question: can you ever save anyone but yourself and do any of us ever really leave home?

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No Entry

No Entry

In No Entry, Canadian teenager, Yael Amar, signs on to an elephant conservation program and ends up coming face to face with violence, greed, and murder and the taste of a very real danger for all of us: elephant extinction.

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White Zion

White Zion

White Zion is a novel in stories forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press (April 2019). The novel takes readers into the worlds of 19th century Yemen, pre-State Israel, modern Israel and modern Canada...

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Passport Control

Passport Control

Miriam Gil knows little about Israel. Her father won’t talk about his life there or the brother he left behind when he came to Canada. Hurt and angry when he tells her to move out to make room for his new girlfriend, she enrolls in an Israeli university. She falls in love with Guy... 

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King of the Class

King of the Class

Eve and Manny are engaged in post-civil war Israel, but Manny has a secret: he’s falling in love with his religious roots and turning his back on moral relativism. As their wedding date approaches...

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