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Guest Post: Chana Bunim Rubin Ausubel

I'm continuing my author guest posts this week and welcome Chana Bunim Rubin Ausubel. Dear Gila...

Hand, Man, Watch, Glasses, Work, People

As Long as the Candle Burns written by Chana Bunim Rubin Ausubel is “moving and inspiring. The author's stories are culled from her experiences throughout her working career,” (Jewish Book World). Ausubel's careers varied from directing a program in Headstart, to forming chapters for Emunah Women’s Organization throughout the United States. In Israel she put all of her heart and soul into directing and teaching students from all over the world returning to Judaism or in the process of conversion.  Even as a single mother she was able to accomplish and contribute to many causes such as, the New York Conference for Soviet Jewry, founder of Gush Emunim in America and Ausubel was involved in forming the Israeli town of Bet El.

“Chana openly discusses the challenges of supporting and raising four children in a single-parent home. Central to this memoir is Chana’s love for the State of Israel, and the fulfillment of her dream of aliyah. This memoir provides encouragement to fulfill one’s potential, especially for women who are seeking to become leaders in their community, balanced with a family. She weaves into her memoir the blessing of family and her ways of transmitting Torah values for as long as the candle burns”.

The book can be purchased on Amazon, at Pomeranz’s book store and Moriah Book store in the Old City.
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