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Voices Unspoken: Writing Amidst the Chaos of War


Since October 7, 2023, I've been living through a war along with the entire Israeli population of every background. Well-meaning podcasters from abroad interviewing me about my new novel, With A Good Eye, have asked me if I'm in any way affected by the current war in Israel. I've responded that you'd have to be in a coma to be unaffected by th...

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Happy Hanukah and Coming Soon


 I want to wish everyone a Happy Hanukah as difficult as it is right now, we are in much need of light. Hanukah is a time to take advantage of, not to waste, so whatever brings light into your life, grab an extra dose on Hanukah.  Here's an update on what's coming up for me: 1. Four podcasts that I detail here. I'll post the links wh...

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Upcoming podcasts: Coming Soon


I'm delighted to share with you my podcasts coming soon. I'm privilleged to have this opportunity to engage in lively discussions with hosts in Canada, the USA and Israel. Thanks for inviting me and looking forward to challenging and enlightening conversations! Ingenium Books I'm super excited for my upcoming discussion with Bon...

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Podcast with Canada's Just Joshing


In the beginning of October 2023, I had the privillege of chatting with podcaster Joshua Pantalleresco on his podcast Just Joshing. We chatted about Canada, what it's like to live in various Canadian cities, postCorona societies, travel, this and that and of course, about my new novel With A Good Eye. Thanks for hosting me, Josh. This podcast ...

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Author Guest Post: Yona Diamond Dansky


Which values stand out to you in your own writing that will preserve your legacy?   Every year at our Passover Seders, we tell the story of our people, over and over each year, with the intention to pass along our values to the next generations. I do wonder, though, how many authors and illustrators who create today's children's stories r...

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November Jewish Book Carnival


I am honored to host this month's Jewish Book Carnival. The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere. Sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries, it is hosted by a different blog each month and shares book reviews, author interviews, essays, and other blog posts about Jewish books. For mor...

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Aliyah: A Love Story After the War Broke Out


 Once the war broke out here in Israel, my August essay seemed to have descended from another planet and I wrote an addendum to reflect the current horrible times we are all living through. "The school was closed and no one went to work. Everyone was conscripted into the military or to help in the hospitals or to bury the dead. Across from the...

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Aliyah: A Love Story


Aliyah: A Love StoryThe romance with her fiancé spurred her initial move to Israel, never imagining the love affair she eventually would have with the country. I'm thrilled to share my essay published in the lastest issue of Distinctions. The essay was written in August before this horrific war. An additional shorter essay was written aft...

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REPOST: With A Good Eye Review in North of Oxford


Through a careful recounting of emotional development, Green leaves us convinced that life, and love, will win out.  By Thaddeus Rutkowski The novel With a Good Eye (AOS Publishing, Montreal) follows the fortunes—and misfortunes—of Luna Levi, a young Jewish woman living in Ottawa in the mid-1980s. In prose that is tight, spare, and fast paced,...

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With A Good Eye first batch has arrived


 My fifth novel "With A Good Eye" has arrived from Montreal. First batch! I'm not there to open the box. This story takes place in Ottawa but there is an Israeli thread as well as a thread of antisemitism. Thank you, Meryl Ain for the review.  "Gila Green's compelling new novel, With A Good Eye, is a unique Coming of Age story about the i...

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Announcing the Publication of Am Yisrael Chai: Poems, Prayers, and Essays


 I am honored to have a poem included in this collection. Please order and help raise emergency funds for so many in need.  Announcing the Publication of Am Yisrael Chai: Poems, Prayers, and Essays 94 Authors, One Heart - United in Solidarity with Israel for Kedoshei Yisrael, our fallen ones, whose blessed memories will never fade. f...

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With A Good Eye Testimonials


Before this War broke out, I was very excited about my new novel With A Good Eye.  Blurb    Luna Levi is an ordinary 19 year old with extraordinary problems. Her mother's acting career is more important to her than the stage of real life. Her father struggles with PTSD as an ex-combat soldier and is equally MIA when it comes to ...

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The Fifth Day of War


This short video was filmed on Day Two of the October 2023 War when I was asked if I felt I wanted to share anything about someone who had fallen/was murdered.  The names of the victims: Shlomi and Ayellet Molcho zichronam l'vrachah.  Day Five My sense of time is completely off. Four hours passes like ten minutes. Six hours like five...

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How can you help Israel


Several people have contacted me from outside of Israel to ask how they can help. Thank you JIMENA staff for compiling and sharing this list. I repost it here:   For those wishing to provide direct financial support to Israel: Magen David Adom – Supporting 33,000 paramedics, EMTs, first responders, and first-aid providers in Israel. NATAL...

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My favorite holiday is on the way: Happy Sukkot


Like the fragile sukkah, our stories may be temorary, but their impact can endure for generations. Embrace the impermanence of your words and let your writing be a shelter of inspiration for all who enter.  Wishing everyone who celebrates a meaningful and magical Sukkot!   

Author Interview: Deborah Kalb


Today on gilagreenwrites, I'm deilghted to host author Deborah Kalb. I'm excited to share Deborah's new novel with you as she plunges forward into the world of adult books. I hope you enjoy this thoughtful conversation that explores Deborah's  writing process and some behind-the-scenes thoughts regarding her new novel Off to Joi...

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Coming soon to gilagreenwrites


Coming soon to gilagreenwrites: November Jewish Book Carnival  

Author Interview: Erin Silver


Whenever I write, I choose subjects that I hope will make an impact. If any of my books mean something to even one young reader I feel like I'll have done my job!  Bio Erin Silver's children's books include: Just Watch Me (Krystal Kite Award nominee), What Kids Did: Stories of Kindness and Invention in the Time of COVID-19 (Hackmatack Awa...

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Crafting Compelling Characters: A Guide to Using Storyboards


For my new novel "With A Good Eye" storyboards were particularly helpful in creating my character Luna Levi and her best friend Aiden Betel. by Gila Green Characters are the heart and soul of any compelling story. They drive the narrative, engage readers, and make the fictional world come alive. To create well-rounded, relatable characters, writers...

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First blurb for With A Good Eye


 "With a Good Eye is a powerful story about family, loss, and hope seen through the eyes of one young, resourceful woman, Luna Levi, who is trying to find her way. Gila Green paints a vivid portrait of a raw, urban Canadian landscape, as she delves into the Underworld as well as the inner world of her characters. Lyrical, wise and moving." Dia...

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New "Cooking with Gila"


In my new novel With A Good Eye, there's a lot of homecooking, which I loved including in the book.  But why stop at one novel? Come visit me on Instagram at "Cooking with Gila." I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who tries one of my family's favorite recipes.  Follow me. Photos: Moroccan Fish, Holiday Meal Rice  

Cover Reveal & Pre Order Link

WithaGoodEye_separatecovers_v01 Cover Reveal: With A Good Eye

Pre Order ABOUT THE BOOK Luna Levi is an ordinary 19 year old with extraordinary problems. Her mother's acting career is more important to her than the stage of real life. Her father struggles with PTSD as an ex-combat soldier and is equally MIA when it comes to his daughter. The Levis jump from financial crisis to financial crisis until in one-spl...

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To Hire an Editor or Not to Hire an Editor


Whether you choose to work with an editor or not, the key is to prioritize the quality of your writing and the satisfaction of your readers. Ultimately, the decision to hire an editor depends on your goals, resources, and preferences. Lately, I've seen this question repeatedly on a number of writing sites: Should I hire an editor? To save time resp...

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Author Interview: Yoni Hammer-Kossoy


I don't think we're in danger of the world ending. On the other hand, the world as we know it is most definitely in critical condition. Yoni Hammer-Kossoy is a poet, translator, and educator. Winner of the 2020 Andrea Moriah Prize in Poetry, his writing appears in numerous international journals and anthologies. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, ...

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August Jewish Book Carnival

August Jewish Book Carnival August Jewish Book Carnival

I'm pleased to host the August Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly event where bloggers who blog about Jewish books can meet, read and comment on each others' posts. You can read more about the Jewish Book Carnival here. This month's Carnival spans kids books, podcasts, memoir and more, so there's something for everyone for those of you ...

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Embracing the Open Mic: Unlocking the Power of Live Author Performances


"Remember that the emotional depth of live readings cannot be duplicated on a screen" By Gila Green In a world dominated by virtual meetings and online interactions, the allure of live performances may seem like a relic of the past. However, the magic of sharing stories in person should not be shelved in the age of Zoom. Live author performances ha...

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Ten Reasons Why a Manuscript Evaluation may be just What a Writer Needs


Compared to comprehensive developmental editing or line editing, manuscript evaluations are often more affordable.  If a writer is unsure about the overall viability of their manuscript, a manuscript evaluation can save time. The scenario is common. A writer gets stuck at a certain stage of the manuscript. It could be after 5,000 words or...

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Ten Reasons You May Need a Writing Coach


Through constructive feedback, encouragement, and guidance, a writing coach helps writers recognize their strengths, embrace their unique voice, and develop confidence in their abilities. A writing coach helpswriters create a schedule, set aside dedicated writing time, and provide strategies to maintain consistency and productivity. A writing ...

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No need to apologize to your Writing Coach


Dear Women 50+, It doesn't take more than a few clicks to find publications aimed at women over 50 years of age. My first try brings me to "15 Over 50 Magazines & Publications." The next article is from the Guardian informing me about the "rise of older female writers" and proclaiming that "things are definitely looking up," presumably for thos...

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Repost from the Nosher: Yemenite Matit


A Yemenite Jewish Grandmother's Delicious Remedy For What Ails You Known as "nature's antibiotic," matit makes the best breakfast. Thank you to The Nosher for posting my story and recipe. In a beautiful coincidence, my daughter-in-law's Savta (grandmother) Shoshana was born in Yemen's capital, Sana'a, where my paternal great-grandparents were also ...

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Latest Books

No Entry

No Entry

In No Entry, Canadian teenager, Yael Amar, signs on to an elephant conservation program and ends up coming face to face with violence, greed, and murder and the taste of a very real danger for all of us: elephant extinction.

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White Zion

White Zion

White Zion is a novel in stories forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press (April 2019). The novel takes readers into the worlds of 19th century Yemen, pre-State Israel, modern Israel and modern Canada...

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Passport Control

Passport Control

Miriam Gil knows little about Israel. Her father won’t talk about his life there or the brother he left behind when he came to Canada. Hurt and angry when he tells her to move out to make room for his new girlfriend, she enrolls in an Israeli university. She falls in love with Guy... 

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King of the Class

King of the Class

Eve and Manny are engaged in post-civil war Israel, but Manny has a secret: he’s falling in love with his religious roots and turning his back on moral relativism. As their wedding date approaches...

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Forthcoming Books

With a Good Eye <br>Release Date: Aug. 18, 2024

With a Good Eye
Release Date: Aug. 18, 2024

This family drama is part crime fiction and part domestic noir. With A Good Eye will make you question: can you ever save anyone but yourself and do any of us ever really leave home?

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The Inheritance  <br>Release Date: 2025

The Inheritance
Release Date: 2025

This suspense/thriller asks, if you were to walk away from your family, would you ever go back, even if you received a desperate text message?

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