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Where to find Jewish women online?

Know a great place online for Jewish women to hangout? Comment below or email me through my site.
I would love to add it to my list.

I have spent long hours looking for places Jewish women hang out online and I'm listing them here to save you the same experience. There's something for everyone in this list below regardless of your Jewish background. 

If you know of other places to find Jewish women online, please comment or email me through my site.

Jewish Women of Words

Copied with permission from their site:

JWOW is a blogzine for emerging and established writers. It is a unique platform that publishes the writing of many authors on one special site. It provides opportunities and audiences for your creativity and writing.

We want to keep things diverse: the topics are varied, writers come from all backgrounds and generations, personal and political material is welcomed. In fact, any form of expression is encouraged. What's common to us all is a desire to explore the complex experience of being a Jewish woman in the world today.

Writer's Guidelines: Any writing on issues of interest to Jewish women will be considered for publication.


The site is geared towards modern Jewish women of all backgrounds looking for a place for inspiration, entertainment, and community.

Our aim is to create a positive and fun space for Jewish women to connect and learn about all the amazing things we are accomplishing in the world.

Subjects in Jewess range from Health and Entertainment to Podcasts and Spirituality.

Copied with permission from the site.

Wrapt Magazine

Looking for some uniquely Jewish fashion and style trends online? Wrapt covers fashion, arts & culture, lifestyle and more.

From their site: "Wrapt Magazine's goal is to connect women from all backgrounds, communities and interests in one space. A space that is accessible, inclusive, thoughtful and non-threatening. We want to focus on the things we have in common, rather than what separate us, so that we can move forward together.

Wrapt Magazine will curate stylish, on trend and conceptually dynamic editorials in addition to publishing original content and sharing human interest pieces tailored just for you."  Reposted from their site with permission. 


Topics covered by Nashim range from Torah Tidbits to Wellness & Beauty. They also have Nashim Swag complete with headbands and T-shirts. 

Jewish Mom

" empowers Jewish mothers to become thriving, proud, and inspired JewishMOMs."


"Imamother is a warm community of married and once married frum Jewish women. We offer you the ability to connect, socialize, share advice, and talk about important issues with other women. We enable you to find answers, support and advice, anonymously, and in a safe environment."

From what I understand this is a discussion group, no articles, so if you're a writing looking to submit your work, keep looking. 

Between Carpools

This site covers everything from Jewish holidays and tips to travel, health, and family columns, house shopping, and a gift guide. 

The Jewish Woman

This site spans a wide range of categories from Birth & Parenting to Relationships to Spirituality and Voices & Inspiration. 


Kol Isha Facebook page "where women can share singing and dancing."

Online Help and Support for Jewish Women

Sister to Sister : support for divorced Jewish women and their children.

For wives of strugglers with pornography addition.

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