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TED Circle in Tel Aviv


This week I participated in Israel's first TED circle in Tel Aviv. We discussed a TED talk after watching it together. The main topic was efficiency vs. robustness. It was delightful to meet thirty new people from all different countries, backgrounds, and ages. Thanks to Professor Mel Rosenberg for inviting me AND we discovered that Professor Rosen...

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My new short story accepted to Jewish Literary Journal


 My favorite genre is still the short story.  Every once in a while, I submit one. Indeed, I'm thinking of putting together a new short story collection and shutting down those voices in my head that whisper: novels, people want novels.  Today my story "Dis-Engagement" was accepted by the Jewish Literary Journal. Shout-out to author ...

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Five Tips To Help You Write A Novel About Anything


by Gila Green Novels are peppered with males and females, young and old, witches, aliens, and murderers. Yet many writers still feel limited to topics they know inside and out. What a great pity. I published a young adult novel about a teen heroine who takes on an elephant poaching ring in South Africa's Kruger National Park and you know what? I'm ...

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Save the date for the next Beit Shemesh Lit Event

Save the date for the next Beit Shemesh Lit Event SAVE THE DATE

​The next Beit Shemesh Lit event is on its way. When: November 25 Time: 7:30 PM Where: Studio Keramikli Join us on Monday, November 25 for an exciting author talk. Dr Leah Scheier will be speaking about her new novel, just signed with Simon & Schuster for a 2021 release and Ondine Sherman will be visiting from Herzliyah to tell us about her Ani...

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Author Interview: Rick Hodges

TFE-cover To Follow Elephants

Today, I have a special guest, Rick Hodges. Rick is a fellow Stormbird Press author, who is not only a colleague but someone with a deep respect for elephants. He's so enamored with elephants that he's written a new novel about them. (Remind you of another writer?)  Anyone who has enjoyed my young adult novel No Entry, must...

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For Canadian writers: Resiliency Anthology open to submissions


Resiliency Anthology call for submissions The Selkie Publications CIC Deadline: 01 January 2020 at 00:00 Submissions are now open for a Canadian anthology on the theme of resiliency. Now accepting fiction, non-fiction, poetry and artwork until January 1, 2020. Paid opportunity! Submissions are now open for a Canadian anthology on the theme of resil...

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Guest post: You do Need a Writing Retreat


If you're like me you have a number of virtual friends, people you've interacted with in various capacities for years. Sometimes you even have to remind yourself that you've never actually met them in person. And when you do that, for a moment you find that hard to believe. You have so much in common, you've known them for so long, how can it ...

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REPOST: Google Search will soon understand normal questions, not just keywords

REPOST: Google Search will soon understand normal questions, not just keywords Google learns a new language

Interesting post from Rachel Kaser. Ever had to search for something on Google, but you're not exactly sure what it is, so you just use some language that vaguely implies it? Google's about to make that a whole lot easier. Google announced today it's rolling out a new machine learning-based language understanding technique called Bidirectional Enco...

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A small favor


 Reviews are so helpful and they only need to be one line.  Thanks for stopping by. If you read Passport Control, White Zion, or No Entry, I would be grateful for a review on Amazon or Goodreads. People like to read what others recommend. One line ideas: This was a beautiful story Perfect for anyone interested in... One of the best novels...

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Author interview: Dan Sofer


I'm so excited to have award-winning writer Dan Sofer on gilagreenwrites. Dan is a fellow English-speaking writer in Israel. He's published a trilogy, so I was particularly keen to interview him as I just finished my first sequel and I find the idea of part three daunting. Not only that, but he has a remarkable sense of humor that shines in his wri...

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 Bookish treats could be's giveaway on.  Tracey has been interviewing authors and reviewing books since 2005. She's particularly supportive of Australian authors and enjoys historical fiction, crime, thrillers, and more. Today Tracey's Melbourne-based book blog Carpe Librum is hosting a Friday Freebie ...

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My interview with Tony Riches


I'm delighted to be a guest on Tony Riches' writing blog: The Writing Desk. The Writing Desk "aims to create insightful, relevant content to encourage new writers and support authors with book launches, reviews, guest posts and useful links." Author Tony Riches was born in West Wales and spent part of his childhood in Kenya. Before writing historic...

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Re-posting Myself: Writing Beyond the 5 Senses

Re-posting Myself: Writing Beyond the 5 Senses

My "five worst writing tips" was such a popular post that today I'm re-posting more writing advice regarding what could easily have been worst writing tip number six: use the five senses. Do I disagree that we should use the five senses in our writing? Not at all. It's the number five that I disagree with. Read on to find out why. Beyond the 5...

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Tune in: I chat with Dave Pezza's NovelClass--Writer's Bone


​CURRENT READ: IF YOU WANT TO MAKE GOD LAUGH BY BIANCA MARAIS In Episode 3.13, host Dave Pezza chats with author Gila Green (No Entry, Passport Control) about Bianca Marais' If You Want to Make God Laugh. To celebrate Gila Green's recent novel No Entry, and her appearance on the show, Stormbird Press is offering an exclusive deal! NovelClass listen...

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Five bad pieces of writer advice

beach-library Beach Library Ashdod

There's more advice for writers out there than ever. You need to know that 1. A lot of it is bad 2. A lot of it doesn't apply to you; it was that writer's experience. 3. It doesn't go away, but happily, you can ignore it. Here are my top five worst pieces of writing advice: 1. Never respond to a potential publisher with mor...

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So gratifying when a flash participant gets published!


 Hi Gila, I just wanted to let you know that the flash you helped me work out over the summer actually found a taker! That is cool. And I thought you should know, seeing as how you brought me there.Hope all is well and happy in your world! And thanks again,Jenny (link below) Congratulations, Jenny. Please continue to share your good news. ...

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White Zion Spotlight: What Is That Book About


Thank you so much to Michelle Bowles and her inspiring book blog "What Is That Book About" for spotlighting White Zion. I really appreciate what she writes on her site: "Now, for me, it isn't about the most popular book or one "that" is on that list. Books mean a lot to me and the people who take the time to write them. The books you will see ...

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My young adult novel No Entry was part of Vancouver's Ecocity 2019


Thanks to Dragon Fly's Mary Woodbury, who not only featured No Entry, my new young adult novel about a teen heroine who takes on a murderous elephant poaching ring in South Africa's Kruger National Park,  in her own publication, but who also mentioned No Entry at Vancouver's Ecocity 2019. From Ecocity site: "The Ecocity World Su...

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Gila Green's Top 5 Writing Tips


1.Learn something that has nothing to do with writing--often. Take a gardening course, photography, dance, archaeology, religion, anything. Career writers must have compelling things to write about. Am I the only one who notices how often novel characters are magazine editors, journalists, and writers? Dentistry, law, accounting, welding, real esta...

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How to help an Author in Minutes


If you read Passport Control, White Zion, or No Entry, please leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.  It can be one line. It's tremendously helpful for all authors for people to leave reviews because people are naturally attracted to what others recommend.  Here are some of my ideas for a one line review:   I recommend this ...

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Repost: 5 Million Page Views ... and All I Got Was This Lousy Blog

botanical-garden The publishing road

This one made me laugh out loud. Would love to hear your views on this advice: Seven years ago, one of my spawnlings told me I needed to write a blog. I forget which one ... I often get them confused, but it was probably the same spawnling who said I needed to have a Twitter account (whatever that was) and a Facebook page.I have since regretted bot...

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I love your letters


 Hi Gila, I hope all is well with you.Had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your short stories in your September newsletter. You are so talented.Your newsletter is always a highlight in my mailbox.Take care, and thanks again for the newsletters. Love them. Ellen Marcantano Thank you for the sample of your short (in your newsletter). It ...

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Guest Hosting one week away


 October 23, I'm guest hosting with Dave Pezza of Boston's NovelClass. Tune in for our discussion of If You Want To Make God Laugh by author Bianca Marais. My new novel No Entry is set in South Africa's Kruger National Park, which is why I was thrilled to choose this novel to review. I wish to thank Dave Pezza once again for asking me to co-ho...

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This Will Only Take a Minute: Canadian Flash Fiction anthology submissions

flash Flash Fiction Submission

 This Will Only Take a Minute: Canadian Flash Fiction Anthology – Deadline: December 31, 2021, 11:59 PM Brevity is the soul of wit, as William Shakespeare wrote in one of his longer plays, Hamlet. Flash Fiction, brief stories, have become one of the most exciting sub-genres of contemporary fiction. Canadian flash fiction has been under-represe...

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Coming up on gilagreenwrites


I've lined up some excellent author interviews for you, so grab a coffee and enjoy. Preview: Dan Sofer has an exciting giveaway coming up November 6. So excited to be hosting in the coming months: Dan Sofer, Deborah MB, Janice Weizman, Nadia Jacobson, Miriam Drori, Jennifer Lang

Podcasting with NovelClass October 23

bianca Podcasting on NovelClass

I review If You Want to Make God Laugh with Boston's Dave Pezza 23/10 NovelClass podcast. There's a gift for listeners who tune in!

Check out BookStop


I've always wanted to join the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and now that my young adult novel No Entry is out there, I can! Thank you Stormbird Press, Australia. Did you know they have this six-week promotion for authors called BookStop? I joined yesterday and noticed this promotion, so I want to share it with yo...

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Madness Heart Press: Call for Jewish Horror Stories

Madness Heart Press: Call for Jewish Horror Stories Call for Jewish Horror Stories

In 'Corners of the World' collections we showcase writers and authors from all around the world, each collection focuses on a different subset of people from different cultures. Giving their unique voices and stories a chance to shine. For these collections, we want to bring the folk stories and societies to live in stark horror through the eyes of...

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Why physical books still outsell e-books | CNBC Reports

Ebook or physical book? Ebook or physical book?

Physical books are still outselling ebooks. Worth watching. 

Guest Post: Julie Zuckerman


"The job of the fiction writer, as I see it, is to get inside someone else's skin." by Julie Zuckerman  ​I'm happy to present a guest post today by author and fellow writer in Israel, Julie Zuckerman. Welcome, Julie! Bio: Julie Zuckerman's fiction and nonfiction have appeared in a variety of publications, including The SFWP Quarterly, The MacG...

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Latest Books

No Entry

No Entry

In No Entry, Canadian teenager, Yael Amar, signs on to an elephant conservation program and ends up coming face to face with violence, greed, and murder and the taste of a very real danger for all of us: elephant extinction.

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White Zion

White Zion

White Zion is a novel in stories forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press (April 2019). The novel takes readers into the worlds of 19th century Yemen, pre-State Israel, modern Israel and modern Canada...

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Passport Control

Passport Control

Miriam Gil knows little about Israel. Her father won’t talk about his life there or the brother he left behind when he came to Canada. Hurt and angry when he tells her to move out to make room for his new girlfriend, she enrolls in an Israeli university. She falls in love with Guy... 

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King of the Class

King of the Class

Eve and Manny are engaged in post-civil war Israel, but Manny has a secret: he’s falling in love with his religious roots and turning his back on moral relativism. As their wedding date approaches...

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Forthcoming Books

With a Good Eye <br>Release Date: Aug. 18, 2024

With a Good Eye
Release Date: Aug. 18, 2024

This family drama is part crime fiction and part domestic noir. With A Good Eye will make you question: can you ever save anyone but yourself and do any of us ever really leave home?

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The Inheritance  <br>Release Date: 2025

The Inheritance
Release Date: 2025

This suspense/thriller asks, if you were to walk away from your family, would you ever go back, even if you received a desperate text message?

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