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My first mention on an environmental site


Serendipity day. I'm sharing my exciting moment today of finding my novel No Entry on Dragonfly.   It's such a great feeling to find your novel unexpectedly on a site you admire and it makes the release date feel that much more tangible. September 1, you're only three months (and a couple of weeks away). 

Passport Control Review

Passport Control Review

I was excited to read this email from author Miryam Sivan. I've never met her but hopefully one day I will have the opportunity to meet her and thank her in person for this lovely message.  "I read Passport Control and thoroughly enjoyed it!  Miriam's story was very moving. Her pain and needs were palpable and often heart breaking. I love...

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Dear Gila


I'm thrilled to tell you that a Flash story I workshopped with you last winter is a Finalist for a WOW contest! (The story was "Shared Calendars", about a trapeze student).I'm so appreciative of your guidance, and look forward to another class - I'm a Flash addict now. I hope all is well with you. Thank you again, and I look forward to working with...

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Coming soon from Cervena Barva Press

Coming soon from Cervena Barva Press

I'm so excited to share that White Zion is coming out in May with Cervena Barva Press, USA. This novel-in-stories takes readers into the worlds of 19th century Yemen, pre-State Israel, modern Israel and modern Canada. You will hear the voices of a young boy marveling at Israel's first air force on his own roof, the cry of a newly married woman help...

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Pre Order No Entry Now

No Entry

I'm thrilled to tell you that my first young adult, environmental fiction novel No Entry is available for pre order.   You can also request a review copy. Broken-hearted after losing her brother in a terrorist attack, 17-year-old Yael Amar seeks solace on an elephant conservation program in South Africa's Kruger National Park. Catapu...

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My podcast with Janet Groom


I was thrilled to spend half an hour with author Janet Groom. You can listen to it on ITunes or watch it on YouTube.  We discuss writing fiction and why I think we have to get away from characterizing fiction as either plot driven or character driven. Thank you so much for having me on your show, Janet. Stay tuned for a review of Janet's novel...

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She Said Yes!

marry-me Marry Me

 I'm delighted to announce my daughter's engagement. Welcome to the family! May you be blessed until 120!

April Jewish Book Carnival

April Jewish Book Carnival

 I am excited to present this month's Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly event where those who cover Jewish books online "can meet, read, and comment on each others' posts." Organized by the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Carnival travels around and is hosted on a different participant's site on the 15th of each month.  For me April&nb...

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Passport Control Amazon Review: "Green is an author that should not be missed."

Jerusalem April Night Jerusalem April Night

I love it when I'm surfing and find something unexpected. Just found this review of Passport Control on Amazon Canada posted on behalf of Tommy Dewar (unfortunately, reviews put on Amazon USA and Amazon Canada are separate). I've never met Tommy but thank you so much and I hope you enjoy White Zion coming out April 25. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great...

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Wisdom Share with Bev Joy Ehrlich

Jerusalem shuk Mahane Yehudah Jerusalem shuk Mahaneh Yehudah

Just had a fantastic WiSh (Wisdom Share) with Bev Joy Ehrlich and shared a tip to help you create your next dream. Can't wait for this to air! I'll post the details to the WiSh as soon as it goes live. Meantime don't you love this photo from the Jerusalem Mahane Yehudah Market? Took it last night. 

Submission Opportunities for April


Contests With Deadlines in April April 7 (contest runs on Australian time, so deadline may be considerably earlier than midnight depending on your timezone) Up to 500 words based on prompt (released April 5). Prize: 500AUD April 10: Up to 2,500 words on topic "Identity." Prizes: £10,000, £3,000, £2,...

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April Jewish Carnival

April Jewish Carnival coming soon April Jewish Carnival coming soon

Check back on April 15th! Looking forward to sharing more Jewish creativity with you soon. 

Two Galleys in One Week White Zion & No Entry

Galley White Zion, Gila Green Galley White Zion, Gila Green

"Sensitivity Readings"

Thank you Brian Henry Thank you Brian Henry

Thank you to Brian Henry for re-posting my article originally published on Mark Mirsky's Fiction Magazine website which I titled "My Ironic Story" and Brian re-titled "Sensitivity Readings." I've followed Brian's site Quick Brown Fox for years and I am always grateful for Brian's support of my work. I recommend his site, pa...

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April Jewish Book Carnival Right Here

Coming soon

 I am honored to host the next April Jewish Book Carnival right here, so check back April 15 for all new links. Also, this week my podcast on Janet Groom just in time for the Purim holiday this Wednesday. I'll post that, too.

Repost: Bringing the Pain: How to Hurt Your Characters

Repost from BookFox

I enjoyed this so much, I'm reposting this article by Jody J. Sperling on BookFox. I'd like to ask Sperling if this advice equally applies to young adult. If I get a response, I'll share it.  Stories are only truly great when they confront the great fears. Bernard Malamud knew this. His character of Roy Hobbs, a naturally gifted baseball playe...

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Review: A story to fall in love with!

Review: A story to fall in love with!

 I am not very well versed in Jewish and Middle Eastern culture and politics. And while some of the historically impactful events the author refers to throughout this book were familiar to me, I'm relieved to say that my general lack of cultural awareness did not hinder my enjoyment of Passport Control in the least. In fact, it was quite easy ...

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Love getting these emails...

Dear Gila...

Ellen MarcantanoSat, Mar 2, 4:00 AM (1 day ago)Hi Gila,I just wanted to share my fantastic news. The Dime Show Review wants to publish a flash piece I sent to them. There are no words to express my thanks to you because without you this would not be happening. I bow to you my writing Goddess!!You are an amazing teacher and mentor who gave me the co...

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Six weeks until White Zion release

Night Jerusalem

White Zion, my novel in stories, will be released mid-April by Cervena Barva Press. I started this collection a dozen years ago and it was almost published a handful of times. Finally, it has found its proper home. So excited! I plan to do a giveaway on Goodreads, so stay tuned for that. Grateful for early reviews: In a journey of generations from ...

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Author interview: Jeff Gerstenfeld

Jeff Gerstenfeld author

​Today I'm excited to bring you an author interview with Jeff Gerstenfeld, a fellow writer in Israel writing in English. While I have not had the pleasure of meeting Jeff in person, I'm so pleased that he contacted me about his new book Downsized and Oversized. Often genre writers get sidelined and it's a great opportunity for me today to introduce...

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Roundup: Recent and Anticipated Author Interviews

author interviews

If you haven't had a chance to read my interviews with these authors about their new works, this is a friendly reminder. I'm honored to be able to help spread the word about so much talent and creativity. If you have comments on my interviews or a question you'd like me to ask authors for future interviews, please comment below. â€‹ Check out my...

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Jewish Book Carnival: February 2019

Jewish-book-carnival-Februar_20190214-074313_1 This month's Jewish Book Carnival

I am excited to present this month's Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly event where those who cover Jewish books online "can meet, read, and comment on each others' posts." Organized by the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Carnival travels around and is hosted on a different participant's site on the 15th of each month.  For me February ...

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I'm in Canadian Writers Abroad!

canadian-flag Canadian Writers Abroad

 Thank you Debra Martens for hosting me and my dear friend and colleague, Anna Levine, on your site today. It was a pleasure.  Working in silence, alone with your thoughts, writing can be a lonely business. But have you looked at the list of acknowledgements at the back of some books lately? They seem to be getting longer, as if a bo...

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Looking forward to podcasting

Upcoming podcast interviews Upcoming podcast interviews

Thank you for hosting me. 

Late Night on the Phone

Late Night on the Phone Poem in the Dime Show Review

My poem Late Night on the Phone is out on The Dime Show Review. Thank you again.  Late Night on the Phone by Gila Green I so rarely have time to write poetry, so I'm thrilled this was accepted.

Story Acceptance!

New story accepted for publication New story on the way

​A new short story has been accepted to The Bookends Review.  I have a podcast interview lined up there as well (in August), so stay tuned.  I originally titled the story The Kike Caller then probably in the politically correct climate changed it to Summer Job. Now, I'm unsure. I might change it back to its original title which reson...

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You can already sign up for my June classes

Registration-is-open-for-my-online-classes-at-WOW-Women-on-Writing Sign up now

​ I was planning to break until the fall but, due to demand, I am offering two new classes in June:  WRITING FICTION: SETTING AND DESCRIPTION  START DATE: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 DURATION: 4 weeks COURSE DESCRIPTION: Great story has a memorable sense of place. In this four-week course you will discover why setting and description are the...

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My post on The Creative Penn

I'm thrilled to be hosted on Joanna Penn's The Creative Penn today. Thank you so much for having me on your site.  Writing Tips: Writing Beyond The 5 Senses The most useful way to show what you want to say is to tap into the five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing and get into the 'why' behind each sense. In other words, you must ...

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My poem was accepted by...

Poem accepted by the Dime Show Review

California's Dime Show Review! I'm thrilled to share that my poem, "Late Night on the Phone" was just accepted to Dime Show Review for online publication and they are considering it for their three times a year print run. Thank you to editor Kae Sable for accepting my poem. 

How to improve setting in story

How to improve setting in story How to improve setting in story

 In South Africa's Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, I discuss improving setting in your story.