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Unleashing Creativity: Five Ways to Spark your Writing


Maybe you suffer from writer's block or maybe you feel your writing is flat. Perhaps, you're caught in a loop in which all of your work is starting to sound the same or just boring yourself to sleep.  Calls for writing are all over the internet. Use them. Anyone who writes over the long-term has periods of flat, dull and uninspi...

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REPOST from The Nosher: This Yemenite Jewish Porridge Is the Comfort Food of My Childhood


 Turns out my birthright wasn't entirely lost to me, it just took me longer than most to realize it.  A cherished family recipes for the most comforting hot cereal with butter and honey. I'm thrilled to have my recipe for Yemenite Harish published in The Nosher.  It's not new to combine food and recipe writing with story (f...

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Author Interview: Jennifer Lang


I wholly disagree that memoir is trashy, primitive or low-rent. It's tough. It's human. It's revelatory. When done well, it's the full-body shivers or deep-buried sigh or unbidden tears. I love interviewing authors and I particularly like hearing from my colleagues here in Israel writing in English as we share so many commonalities. I'm happy ...

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Author Interview: Jennifer Rosner


 Jennifer Rosner is the author of the novels Once We Were Home and The Yellow Bird Sings, a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award; the memoir If A Tree Falls: A Family's Quest to Hear and Be Heard, about raising her deaf daughters in a hearing, speaking world; and a children's book, The Mitten String, which is a Sydney Taylor Book Award ...

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Are Jewish words and expressions "No-Entry" signs for a general audience?


Keep the words you want in for authenticity and describe the scene for accessibility.  Ever found yourself deleting or avoiding Jewish words and expressions in your writing (whatever Jewish means to you, Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino)? Often writers tell me they are worried about alienating their general audience or sounding 'too Jewish' so they avo...

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Interview with Tara Ison


Bio Tara Ison is the author of the novels The List (Scribner), A Child out of Alcatraz (Faber & Faber; a Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and Rockaway (Counterpoint/Soft Skull Press; featured as one of the "Best Books of Summer" in O, The Oprah Magazine). Her essay collection, Reeling Through Life: How I Learned to Live, Love, and...

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Messianic Games Accepted


My short story "Messianic Games" was accepted to  Arts & Letters (Georgia College & State University). Thanks so much to Editor Laura Newbern and Fiction Editor Chika Unigwe for accepting my story. "Messianic Games" involves several of my favorite characters: A Cat Lady and a Kabbalist as well as Miri, a character I wrot...

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To Pay or not to Pay an Editor


I have been reading a lot lately on writing forums about the costs of paying developmental editors. Most of these posts end in something like: Is there any other way? I just can't afford it.  As an author myself, who has paid thousands of dollars for professional editing over the years (and learned a ton!), I have some advice for tho...

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Welcome back author Meryl Ain


I am excited and honored to have Meryl Ain back on gilagreenwrites. This time, she's here to talk about what it's like to launch her second novel, a topic I know many writers and readers want to learn more about.  Missed my interview with Meryl Ain about her first novel? "One of the unexpected blessings of the pandemic has been finding a robus...

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Stop Dancing at Two Weddings or Why Use a Professional Editor?


There are just so many problems that can be resolved in one novel.  This article is advice for both editors and authors. It applies to fiction and memoir. If you think your manuscript suffers from "dancing at two weddings," I'd be happy to take a look.  Many writers out there struggle with their manuscripts because they are trying to writ...

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Welcome poet Chana Shenderovich


Chana Shenderovich is a poet originally from Ukraine. Today she lives  in Israel and works as an ESL college lecturer, healer and trauma therapist. Her poem "Tel Aviv and Jerusalem" made me think of the daylight between the two cities. Both sets of my father's grandparents came to Ottoman Palestine in the early 1880s. His paternal grandparents...

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Luna Levi's favorite recipe for Sfinge (Moroccan doughnuts/donuts)


"With A Good Eye" heroine, Luna Levi does not hide her love of donuts. When she feels she's at rock bottom, she heads to the bakery for a fresh sugary treat (and maybe even meets the love of her life there). Still,  when Hanukah rolls around in the novel, it's Moroccan sfinge she most craves. Full disclosure: the photo is one I took in Ti...

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Favorite Foods in "With A Good Eye" & Publication Date


I'm delighted to announce that I received a publication date for "With A Good Eye" and guess what? It happens to be my birthday, so here's to August 18, 2024.  There are several foodies in "With A Good Eye": heroine Luna Levi loves donuts and anything homemade by anyone, Stephanie Baker (Luna's brother's girlfriend) uses he...

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March Morning Memoir Workshop


There is still space in my morning memoir workshop.  Join me at Lounge Writers for two hours of memoir writing.   3/28 Class - How to Start a Memoir with Gila Green - $40/$32 For Members$40.00 Only 10 available Date: 3/28 Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 PDT Cost: $40/$32 for members Class Level: Emerging - Intermediate Link and materials ...

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New Book Deal


I am thrilled to announce I've signed my fifth novel with AOS Publishing in Montreal. With A Good Eye is planned for summer 2024 publication.  Luna Levi is an ordinary 19 year old with extraordinary problems. Her mother's acting career is more important to her than the stage of real life. Her father struggles with PTSD as a...

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Guest Blog Post: Howard Kaplan


In the way nothing happens for a reason, you can learn, grow and exploit what does happen.  TWO NOVELS OF ISRAEL AND SYRIA by Howard Kaplan   When I was a fledgling writer, I watched a Ken Follett television interview about his novel of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Though the locales were remarkably detailed, he explained that he h...

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March Memoir Writing Morning at Lounge Writers


 3/28 Class - How to Start a Memoir with Gila Green - $40/$32 For Members$40.00 Only 10 available Date: 3/28 Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 PDT Cost: $40/$32 for members Class Level: Emerging - Intermediate Link and materials will be emailed at least 30 minutes before class. To register Memoir is as popular as ever. An increasing number of people have ...

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Author Interview : Angela Himsel


There's something universal about the desire for change in general, and the urge to become the person you would like to be, not simply the person you were born as. I was delighted when Angela Himself contacted me and would like to extend a warm welcome to her today on gilagreenwrites. She speaks so to the point about the struggles many writers have...

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Guest Author Post: Sari Kopitnikoff


Finding Your Freedom: Getting Past the Resistance That's Holding You Back "I was afraid. I was letting the resistance get to me. And by doing so, I was holding back on sharing my gifts with the world." "Wow, another one?" It's often said in one third admiration, one third disbelief, and one third - "Maybe slow down a bit." No, they're not talking a...

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Israel Street Art Videos


My colleague Marc Kornblatt continues to send me his original videos filmed in Tel Aviv. Thanks, Marc.  This YouTube "Imaginary Duck Street Art" is a must-watch if you enjoy Israel street art. From YouTube: "The images of Julia Shtengelov, an Israeli street artist working in Tel Aviv, inspired this montage by filmmaker Marc Kornblatt...

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Interview with author Stephen J. Gordon


"The series was created because I wanted to do something to counter all the negative publicity Israel tends to get. I wanted to have a main character who simply had a love of the country." by  Stephen J. Gordon I am thrilled to welcome author Stephen J. Gordon to gilagreenwrites. Today he will be talking about his mystery-thrill...

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New novel excerpt accepted! Link is up


This time with the link: I would be happy to hear any comments you may wish to offer.  I have not submitted my work for a year (long for me, a once upon a time submission-addict). But after a couple of hard losses (yes, we've all had them) I realized I was--  A. Burnt out and  B....

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REPOST: Journals Seeking Short Fiction


This is a repost from one of my favorite Canadian writers: Brian Henry. EveryDay Fiction seeks flash fiction, 1,000 words max – no such thing as too short. Pays $3 U.S. For December issue, wants stories on holiday themes, including: are looking for winter and holiday stories for December 2022 issue, including: Winter Solstice / Midwinter / Yule, Ch...

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My New Novel Excerpt: A Prayer Apart


I have four completed novels not yet published and I'm struggling to decide which one to focus on. When I try to focus on all of them, it's overwhelming.  I've decided to publish an excerpt from all four and ask for feedback. I wrote this one back in 2014 and can't seem to let it go.  Background This novel was accepted by Black Heron Pres...

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Repost: November Jewish Book Carnival is Up


 I'm reposting the November Jewish Book Carnival with special thanks to Marie Cloutier at bostonbibliophile for hosting. The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly event, bringing together those who cover Jewish literature online to "meet, read, and comment on each other's posts". Organized by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL), the Car...

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Interview with author Jacqueline Jules


"I would encourage a Jewish young person to express their Jewish identity in any way that feels comfortable to them." Bio Jacqueline Jules is the author of over fifty books for young readers including the Zapato Power series, the Sofia Martinez series, The Porridge-Pot Goblin, My Name is Hamburger, Never Say a Mean Word Again, and Tag Your Dreams: ...

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The Beauty of Jewish Board Books By Nancy Churnin


"Encouraging the publication of more Jewish board books by spreading the word of new Jewish board books is one of the best gifts you can give our kids." Bio Nancy Churnin is the award-winning author of multiple children's books including the National Jewish Book Award, Sydney Taylor Honor winner and Junior Library Guild selection Dear Mr. Dickens. ...

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New Testimonials


Testimonials "As members of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), Gila and I have swapped several manuscripts as each other's beta reader. Her comments have been both helpful and supportive. She is a consummate professional, a writer/editor with a heart, delivering her services in a timely and diplomatic manner. I recomme...

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START DATE: Ongoing. We choose the same day each month to meet. There are options for weekly or twice-a-month meetings. DURATION: 4 meetings with the chance to renew for additional meetings. LOCATION: Email, Google Drive, Zoom FEEDBACK: Instructor feedback and critique on a shared Google document and via Zoom (optional) CONTACT: Through this&n...

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Author Interview: Joanne Levy

Joanne-Levy-headshot Author Joanne Levy

I am very happy to welcome Joanne Levy to gilagreenwrites today. I love this interview. It's packed with valuable information for readers and writers alike about a very important topic. Thanks so much, Joanne for stopping by. Please drop me a line when you're ready for another visit. BIO: Joanne Levy is the author of the Sydney Taylor Notable and C...

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Latest Books

The Inheritance

The Inheritance

This suspense/thriller asks, if you were to walk away from your family, would you ever go back, even if you received a desperate text message?

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Pre-Order from Amazon/Kindle for release: March 11, 2025

With a Good Eye

With a Good Eye

This family drama is part crime fiction and part domestic noir. With A Good Eye will make you question: can you ever save anyone but yourself and do any of us ever really leave home?

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No Entry

No Entry

In No Entry, Canadian teenager, Yael Amar, signs on to an elephant conservation program and ends up coming face to face with violence, greed, and murder and the taste of a very real danger for all of us: elephant extinction.

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White Zion

White Zion

White Zion is a novel in stories forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press (April 2019). The novel takes readers into the worlds of 19th century Yemen, pre-State Israel, modern Israel and modern Canada...

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Passport Control

Passport Control

Miriam Gil knows little about Israel. Her father won’t talk about his life there or the brother he left behind when he came to Canada. Hurt and angry when he tells her to move out to make room for his new girlfriend, she enrolls in an Israeli university. She falls in love with Guy... 

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King of the Class

King of the Class

Eve and Manny are engaged in post-civil war Israel, but Manny has a secret: he’s falling in love with his religious roots and turning his back on moral relativism. As their wedding date approaches...

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