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5 Surprising Grammar Errors Even Experienced Writers Miss


  Grammar can be subtle, and certain tricky rules tend to fly under the radar. Here's a closer look at five grammar errors that might surprise you and how to avoid them. 1. Confusing "Due to" and "Because of" "Due to" is often used interchangeably with "because of," but they're not the same. "Due to" should only follow a form of "to be" and sp...

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Guest Post: Uplifting Sephardic Voices in Literature: More Important Now than Ever


There is a world of exciting Sephardic-themed literature out there that I invite you to explore and perhaps contribute to yourselves.  This my first in a guest post blog series honoring Mizrachi Heritage Month. Welcome, Sarah Aroeste! A guest blog post by author Sarah Aroeste The Jewish experience cannot be boiled down to Seinfeld, matzoh...

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How People are Using AI to Write Novels and Other Creative Works


AI, while incredibly advanced, doesn't experience emotions and therefore may produce content that resonates less with readers seeking authenticity and emotional connection. In recent years, artificial intelligence has gone from being a distant, futuristic concept to something we interact with daily—often without even realizing it. Now, AI is enteri...

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What It's Like to Be a Canadian Editor in Israel Right Now


 People have to realize that Israelis have all the same problems everybody else has—plus the war. Our other day-to-day issues don't go anywhere; they just get piled on top of the new, harsher realities.   I moved to Israel in 1994, armed with a Bachelor of Journalism degree, decent Hebrew, and no clue about the job market here. ...

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Today's Mail: I'm in Nosher's Book of Jewish Breakfasts


 Thanks so much, Rachel Myerson. Hi Gila, I hope you and your family are doing alright considering what a year we've had. Praying for quieter days, weeks and months ahead.I'm excited to tell you that your harish recipe was selected to be included in an upcoming Nosher ebook on Jewish breakfasts. This ebook will be available for free to our aud...

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Fiction Gila Green: We All Have to Comfort Each Other


 Fic­tion | Wit­ness­ing: Post Oct. 7We All Have to Com­fort Each Other Gila Green October 21, 2024 This piece is part of our Wit­ness­ing series, which shares pieces from Israeli authors and authors in Israel, as well as the expe­ri­ences of Jew­ish writ­ers around the globe in the after­math of Octo­ber 7th. It is crit­i­cal to under­stand h...

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Navigating Criticism: How to Handle Feedback on Your Memoir


Writing a memoir involves digging deep into your life experiences, revealing vulnerabilities, and sharing personal truths. While the journey of writing can be incredibly rewarding, it also comes with the potential for criticism. Whether it's feedback from beta readers, editors, or even friends and family, how you respond to criticism can significan...

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LISTEN: Will living “With a Good Eye” bring Luna luck? a conversation with Gila Green


"Luna Levi may have graduated high school, but she is far from any kind of path to success. She works part time at a motel in Ottowa to help support her family since neither parent seem capable of it. Luna's mother has dreams of being a theater star and takes off for weeks at a time to perform in regional productions and her father, suffering from ...

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My Audio book is out and all my latest updates


With A Good Eye is finally out on audio. I recorded my first audio book and it's taken a while but it's finally ready to order. I'd love to hear feedback. Yes, I recorded it myself and I'm so excited to finally have a third format for With A Good Eye (also available on Amazon/Kindle).  I am debating as to which novel to record next and I'...

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WATCH: My Interview with Diverse Jewish Books


Thank you so much to Lauren Kasiarz of Diverse Jewish Books for the interview. We discussed my latest novel With A Good Eye and so much more. A real pleasure! 

LISTEN: Routine & You | Gila Green & Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman | Connected For Real


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Reading in Tel Aviv: Write Haus Launch Event


I was thrilled to be part of the launch of the fourth issue of the new Write Haus magazine out of Tel Aviv. I read from my story "Satisfaction". I hope they will post a digital issue soon, so that I can link the story. Right now, you can purchase copies and support them here.  My short story explores a father-daughter relationship set in ...

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WATCH: My interview with Jonathan Rosen on The Jewish Lens


 Thanks so much to Jonathan Rosen for hosting me on The Jewish Lens. We discuss my books including my latest With a Good Eye, the lack of Sephardi representation in fiction, being asked to change the religion of a Jewish character in one of my books, and much more!

When Your Book Disappears: Reflections on Passport Control, Publishing, and the New Year


"WHEN I ARRIVE at my Haifa University dormitoryapartment, I see a student who looks about twenty-fiveeating a diced tomato, cucumber, and onion salad on aplate. She scoops the salad into her pita, whichimmediately reminds me of my father. I don't knowwhat else she's eating. Maybe hummus, maybe that thinwhite cheese spread my father's always running...

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Author Interview: Audrey Barbakoff


 Bio: Dr. Audrey Barbakoff is an author, librarian, and entrepreneur. She writes stories that celebrate Jewish humor and languages. The Schlemiel Kids Save the Moon, her debut picture book, has been called "an enjoyable, rollicking read" (Kirkus) and "a multicultural winner" (Foreword). When not writing for children, she runs a consulting and ...

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LISTEN: Oy Veys Mom Podcast

Thank you Miriam Delasalle for coming to my home for a visit and for hosting me on your podcast.  

My first Amazon reviews are 5 stars


 My new novel With A Good Eye is finally out on Amazon this week and I'm thrilled with the first reviews. And NO, I do not know either of these people. These are genuine reviews. Thank you! If you have read With A Good Eye, I cannot stress enough how important reviews are to authors. One sentence is enough. It doesn't have to take up more than...

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Magazine Launch: Responding to the Now


 Issue 4 of Write-Haus is on the way and available for pre-sale. Take advantage of the early bird discount before the launch.  Pre-sale of WRITE-HAUS Magazine Issue 04, This I've Never Lived Before. As a celebration of creativity and imagination, Issue 04 promises to be a captivating blend of literary works and stunning visual artist...

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LISTEN: Podcast People of the Book


  I was thrilled to be a guest on Meryl Ain's podcast: People of the Book. We discussed my new novel With A Good Eye, the writing process the importance of location, and the impact of war in Israel.  Soundcloud:

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As we Speed Towards the New Year: Weaving 5 Symbols of the Jewish New Year into Your Stories (with examples)


As the Jewish New Year approaches, I have begun to put together a new short story collection. My goal is to get to 10-12 brand new stories. I have about 3 so far, so my goal is to be halfway by Rosh Hashana. As I reflect on the powerful symbols of the Jewish New Year: the shofar, apples and honey, pomegranates, Tashlich, and the head of t...

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LISTEN: Podcast The Power of Place


 "On this episode of The Ingenium Books Podcast we dive deep into the craft of storytelling and the art of writing. Today we're exploring a fundamental yet often underestimated element of great stories: setting for authors."

My recipe appears in an ebook on Jewish Breakfasts


 Thank you to Rachel Myerson for this note; "I'm excited to tell you that your harish recipe was selected to be included in an upcoming Nosher ebook on Jewish breakfasts. This ebook will be available for free to our audience, and will be marketed more widely across 70 Faces Media publications, ensuring there will be lots of new eyes on your wo...

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Celebrating Chai: 18 Authors Share Their Best Writing Advice


As we reach the milestone of chai—18 authors—in our second series of summer posts, I'm reminded of the power of community and shared wisdom in the writing journey. In Hebrew, "chai" symbolizes life, and what better way to breathe life into our craft than by learning from those who have walked the path before us? This series holds special significan...

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“What’s changed in Israel since October 6? Everything – everything has changed”


Thank you to Brian Henry for interviewing me for the Canadian Zionist Forum, a substack written by David  "What's changed in Israel since October 6? Everything – everything has changed"A conversation with novelist Gila Green, interview #1 of Conversations with Canadian-Israelis BRIAN HENRYAUG 07, 2024 Today we are proud to offer a new article ...

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August Jewish Book Carnival


Welcome to the August the Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly event where bloggers who blog about Jewish books can meet, read and comment on each others' posts. The carnival was started by Heidi Rabinowitz and Marie Cloutier to build community among bloggers and blogs who feature Jewish books. For more information about the Jewish Book Carnival, c...

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6 More Authors Share Their Best Writing Advice


"First thought best thought."  by Lesléa Newman  Welcome to the second installment of MY gilagreenwrites 5th anniversary celebration series! For this special occasion, I've invited some of the remarkable authors I've had the pleasure of interviewing and hosting as guest contributors on the site. These talented writers have generously...

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8 Authors Share Their Best Writing Advice


 My new blog series is all about celebrating the 5th anniversary of gilagreenwrites. To start us off, 8 authors share their best writing advice. I asked dozens of authors two questions: 1. What is the best writing advice you received that you return to again and again? 2. A do or a don't for writers Here are the first 8 answers. ...

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Celebrating Five Years of Gilagreenwrites


Celebrating Five Years of Gilagreenwrites: Exciting Updates Ahead! I am thrilled to announce that gilagreenwrites is celebrating its five-year anniversary! It's been an invaluable journey, and I am deeply honored by the warm reaction and support my website has received from readers and writers alike and the many publicists who contact me regularly,...

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Getting Back into Short Story Writing After Switching to Novels


Transitioning from writing novels to short stories has been a refreshing and invigorating experience for me. After years of immersing myself in the expansive worlds of novels (this process began in 2011 and culminated in the publication of my first novel in 2013, King of the Class), returning to the concise and focused format of short stories has r...

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Author Interview: Jennifer Lang


To my surprise, chiseling my stories also made my prose pop.  Last May 2023, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Lang for my website. Now, she's back with the next phase of her memoir writing to share with us. It seems like a lifetime ago, given all that has transpired since then, and I still haven't resumed my regular author interview...

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Latest Books

The Inheritance

The Inheritance

This suspense/thriller asks, if you were to walk away from your family, would you ever go back, even if you received a desperate text message?

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Pre-Order from Amazon/Kindle for release: March 11, 2025

With a Good Eye

With a Good Eye

This family drama is part crime fiction and part domestic noir. With A Good Eye will make you question: can you ever save anyone but yourself and do any of us ever really leave home?

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No Entry

No Entry

In No Entry, Canadian teenager, Yael Amar, signs on to an elephant conservation program and ends up coming face to face with violence, greed, and murder and the taste of a very real danger for all of us: elephant extinction.

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White Zion

White Zion

White Zion is a novel in stories forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press (April 2019). The novel takes readers into the worlds of 19th century Yemen, pre-State Israel, modern Israel and modern Canada...

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Passport Control

Passport Control

Miriam Gil knows little about Israel. Her father won’t talk about his life there or the brother he left behind when he came to Canada. Hurt and angry when he tells her to move out to make room for his new girlfriend, she enrolls in an Israeli university. She falls in love with Guy... 

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King of the Class

King of the Class

Eve and Manny are engaged in post-civil war Israel, but Manny has a secret: he’s falling in love with his religious roots and turning his back on moral relativism. As their wedding date approaches...

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